Vaccination center in Ettelbruck

The DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann were informed that there were no more free appointments at the vaccination center in Ettelbruck for some elderly people from the northern tip of the country who were invited to the Covid-19 vaccination. They were told by phone that they had to make an appointment in Mondorf. The MPs asked the Minister of Health whether these were individual cases and what options older people have in such a case.

„Eis ass aus ganz seriöser Quell gesot ginn, datt eeler Leit, déi geimpft sollte ginn, an déi am Norde wunnen, eng Invitatioun kruten, sech dann och zu Ettelbréck wollten umellen, mee dunn awer um Telefon gesot kruten, si missten op Mondorf fueren, well zu Ettelbréck keng Zäitplage méi fräi wier. 

Dat féiert natierlech zu gréisseren Transportzäiten an zu eventuelle Méikäschte fir déi betraffe Leit, well den Taxi oder den Adapto am Prinzip nëmme bis op Ettelbréck gratis ass. Hei geet et och ëm Leit déi bal 90 Joer al sinn an net sou laang kënnen oder wëllen an engem Taxi ënnerwee sinn. Dovunner ofgesinn ka jo net jiddereen, och net eeler Leit, op den Adapto zeréckgräifen.

An deem Kader wollte mir der Madamm Gesondheetsministesch folgend Froe stellen:

  • Kann d’Madamm Gesondheetsministesch eis soen, ob et sech do ëm Eenzelfäll bzw. ëm een Iertum handelt? Gëtt awer bëssen drop opgepasst, datt Leit am héijen Alter net riskéiere sou wäit mussen ze fueren, zemol wann se aus der Nordspëtzt kommen?
  • Wann d’Leit en neie Rendez-vous kréien, well se aus Altersgrënn oder/an aus Krankheetsgrënn net sou wäit fuere kënnen, riskéieren se dann net onnéideg laang mussen ze waarden?
  • Géife se awer wëlle mam Taxi an den Impfzentrum op Mondorf oder an d’Stad fueren, well se aus verständliche Grënn einfach net méi laang wëlle waarden, kréie se dann trotzdeem déi ganz Faart bezuelt oder mussen se déi aus hirer eegener Täsch bezuelen?“

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More parliamentary questions

What is the quality of the food in our hospitals?

A healthy and balanced diet has been proven to contribute to a better healing process and reduce the risk of complications. In this context, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann asked the health minister, among other things, how good the quality of the food is in our hospitals, whether regional products are prioritised and whether care is taken to ensure that vulnerable patients also eat enough.


More legal certainty before the labour court?

If a staff representative has been suspended due to serious misconduct, an employer can request that the employment relationship be terminated in court, e.g. via a counterclaim. However, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann were informed that the President of the Labour Court repeatedly rejects these applications. This leads to problems in the enforcement of labour law and to legal and financial difficulties for the employer. The DP MPs therefore wanted to know from the Minister of Labour how he interprets the relevant paragraph in the Labour Code, whether the rejection of the counterclaim by the President of the Labour Court is in accordance with the law and whether more legal certainty should be provided.


Are our hospitals prepared for cyberattacks?

Cyber attacks on hospitals are not uncommon in Europe. For this reason, the EU has launched an action plan to improve cyber security in the healthcare sector. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health how often hospitals in this country have been the target of cyber attacks, how well hospitals have reacted in simulation exercises and what recommendations have been developed.


What is the state of dental health in Luxembourg?

A German study shows that caries problems have fallen sharply over the last few decades. Periodontitis, on the other hand, is still a popular disease. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister for Health what the situation was in Luxembourg, whether the prevention policy needed to be adapted and how the number of dentists in the country was developing.