
Two new DP aldermend

Josy Popov

Josy Popov is the new mayor of Kopstal-Bridel. He began his apprenticeship as a baker-confectioner at the age of 15. In 1997 he did his master’s degree and from 1980-2010 he had the best-known bakery-patisserie “Popov” in Bridel. Today Josy Popov is 66 years old, he holds courses for the boat driver’s license and is on the commission of the “Commissariat aux Affaires maritimes”.

Josy Popov
Josy Popov

Josy Popov, why did you become politically active and why in the DP?

JP: The people from the municipality have contributed to my business success for over 30 years. As a politician, I want to make use of this, to stand up for people and to give something back to them. The DP stands for democracy and that is why I joined the DP.

You have been a member of the local council for a long time, what are your priorities as aldermen for the next 3 years?

JP: Together with Carlo Schmit – who has been mayor for the last 3 years – we have launched major projects: a new Maison Relais, the expansion of the school campus, a new technical hall, the renovation of the Center Wirtspesch, and so on. Projects that I want to pursue as good as possible.

What do you like best about your municipality?

JP: I have the great privilege to live in a green oasis on the outskirts of Luxembourg City.

Marc Schramer

Marc Schramer is a new alderman in the municipality of Mondercange. The 46-year-old father of 2 boys works in the theater in Esch. In his free time he likes to work in the garden and to go hiking.

Marc Schramer
Marc Schramer

Marc Schramer, why did you become politically active and why in the DP?

MS: Politics has always been present in our home and I have never accepted injustice and discrimination. The DP always highly respects the basic values; for me it means respecting everyone’s ideas.

You have been a member of the local council for a long time, what are your priorities as aldermen for the next 3 years?

MS: As a DP group in Mondercange, we worked hard to build a Maison Relais next to the school. We will have a very nice campus. For me, it is also very important that our municipality gets a retirement and care home for our elderly citizens. Another goal is to bring the village center of our towns back to life.

What do you like best about your municipality?

MS: Our municipality has a rural character, and yet we have very good connections to Esch and the capital.



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