The police in the north of the country

The personnel shortage in the police force is not new, and yet the situation seems to be particularly worrying in the north. In this context, MP André Bauler has submitted some specific questions to the Minister of Internal Security.

Datt et der Police de Moment u Personal feelt, ass gewosst. Ma et schéngt awer, wéi wa virun allem am Bezierk Norden d’Personaldecken zimmlech dënn wier.  

An deem Kader wollt ech dem Här Minister fir bannenzeg Sécherheet folgend Froe stellen:

  1. Wéi hunn sech d’Effektiver vun de Policebeamten am Bezierk Norden, virun allem och zu Dikrech, entwéckelt?
  2. Wéi vill Beamten, déi am Norden affektéiert sinn, sinn op aner Plazen detachéiert ginn?
  3. Wéi vill Beamte sinn de Moment am Laangzäitkrankeschäin?
  4. Wéi vill Beamte maache keen Aussendéngscht méi? Wat sinn d’Ursaachen dofir?
  5. Wéi vill Patrulle si pro Schicht op de jeeweilegen Déngschtstellen disponibel ?
  6. Wéi vill Beamte ginn an noer Zukunft am Bezierk Norden an d’Pensioun? Kënne si ersat ginn? 
  7. Wéi vill Beamte sollen am Bezierk Norden an den nächste Jore bäikommen?“


Ad 1.): Säit dem Akraafttriede vum Police-Gesetz vum 18. Juli 2018 bis zum 31. Dezember 2021 ass den Effektiv aus der Regioun Norden vun 184 Polizisten an de Karriären B1, C1 an C2 op 179 reduzéiert ginn. Den Effektif vum Kommissariat Dikkrech ass an der selwechter Period vun 48 op 45 erofgaangen.

Ad 2.): Aktuell ginn et an der Regioun Norden 179 Polizisten, dovunner sinn der 10 op aner Platzen detachéiert.

Ad 3.): De Moment sinn an der Regioun Norden 4 Leit am Laangzäitkrankeschäin.

Ad 4.): 6 Persounen dierfen den Ament keen Aussendéngscht maachen, dëst aus gesondheetleche Grënn.

Ad 5.): All Kommissariat mat 2 Roulementer muss souwuel op der Moies-, wei och op der Mëttesschicht 1 Patrull stellen. D’Kommissariater, déi mat 3 Roulementer funktionéiren, mussen 1-2 Patrulle stellen, jee nom Gesamteffektif vun der jeeweileger Déngschtstell. Domat huet d’Regioun Norden an der Theorie am Daag zu all Moment e Minimum vun 9 Patrullen a souwuel an der Nuecht wei och Weekends ee Minimum vun 5 Patrullen operationell. Duerch Spezialdingschter kënnt et allerdéngs och vir, dat de Minimum net garantéiert ka ginn.

Ad 6.): Just 1 Persoun huet bis elo vir d‘éischt Semester 2022 hier Pensiounsdemande gestallt. Dës Persoun gëtt natierlech ersat.

Ad 7.): Op den 1. Januar 2022 kritt d’Kommissariat Ettelbréck 1 Polizist bäi. Dono hänkt net nëmmen de Wuesstem vun der Regioun Norden, mee och dee vun deenen anere Regiounen an Unitéite vum NettoRekrutement vun der ganzer Police of.

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More parliamentary questions

What is the quality of the food in our hospitals?

A healthy and balanced diet has been proven to contribute to a better healing process and reduce the risk of complications. In this context, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann asked the health minister, among other things, how good the quality of the food is in our hospitals, whether regional products are prioritised and whether care is taken to ensure that vulnerable patients also eat enough.


More legal certainty before the labour court?

If a staff representative has been suspended due to serious misconduct, an employer can request that the employment relationship be terminated in court, e.g. via a counterclaim. However, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann were informed that the President of the Labour Court repeatedly rejects these applications. This leads to problems in the enforcement of labour law and to legal and financial difficulties for the employer. The DP MPs therefore wanted to know from the Minister of Labour how he interprets the relevant paragraph in the Labour Code, whether the rejection of the counterclaim by the President of the Labour Court is in accordance with the law and whether more legal certainty should be provided.


Are our hospitals prepared for cyberattacks?

Cyber attacks on hospitals are not uncommon in Europe. For this reason, the EU has launched an action plan to improve cyber security in the healthcare sector. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health how often hospitals in this country have been the target of cyber attacks, how well hospitals have reacted in simulation exercises and what recommendations have been developed.


What is the state of dental health in Luxembourg?

A German study shows that caries problems have fallen sharply over the last few decades. Periodontitis, on the other hand, is still a popular disease. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister for Health what the situation was in Luxembourg, whether the prevention policy needed to be adapted and how the number of dentists in the country was developing.