
The DP now has a section in the commune of Lintgen

Since October 2020, the last commune of the Alzette valley also has a DP section. In 2023, the municipal council will be elected according to the proportional representation system for the first time in Lintgen. It is therefore important for the DP to position itself well now.

Almost 20% of the voters here gave the DP their vote in the last parliamentary elections. In the next municipal elections, they will be able to elect the DP candidates, who will uphold the liberal values at the local level as well.

Lintgen will continue to grow in the coming years. For the DP section, it is therefore important that the infrastructures are adapted to this growth at an early stage, so that Lintgen does not suffocate in traffic afterwards. The new section is also committed to providing Lintgen with a public restroom and an exercise course.

Another concern of the new committee is a more attractive village center with a place for young and old: A kiosk, trees, plants and benches are to embellish the sad meadow in the middle of the village. For the DP Lintgen, such a center where one could organise events, would bring life back to the village.

Christiane Rischard-Haag: First President of the DP-Lintgen

Christiane Rischard-Haag

Christiane worked for over 30 years in the postal finance service and managed a real estate business. She has been retired since this year, and with the founding of the DP Lintgen last year she has a new challenge in life.

Christiane is married and has two grown children. Her two dogs, Snoopy and Nougat, and her cat Tiger keep her on her toes. Christiane used to be very active in horse and dog sports. The passionate hobby chef also spends a lot of time behind the smoker.

The new section president has a clear motivation for being committed to the community in Lintgen: “If you like people, it’s fun to get involved politically”.



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