The DP mourns the loss of Mady Schaffner

A life of commitment to the city of Echternach and scoutism

On Tuesday, the honorary mayor of Echternach Mady Schaffner died at the age of 86.

Mady Schaffner was born in 1934 as the child of Berthe Barblé and the later resistance fighter, DP minister, MP and mayor Robert Schaffner. Her grandfather Mathias Schaffner was mayor of Echternach as well.

Mady Schaffner’s childhood was marked by the pain and aftermath of the war, but at the same time she recognized early on her passion for committing herself to her fellow human beings. After primary school, she graduated at the girls’ high school in Limpertsberg and then studied housekeeping in Brussels and in Ettelbruck. At the beginning of her professional career she was a substitute teacher in several primary schools and then worked until 1988 in the complementary education in Echternach.

Mady Schaffner was mother to one girl, grandmother to three grandchildren and even great-grandmother to six great-grandchildren.

Mady Schaffner was a municipal council member for the DP from 1988 until 1998. In 1994 she was the first woman to be sworn in as mayor of Echternach, a position she held for four years.

As mayor Mady Schaffner implemented or initiated a number of important projects: among others, the planification for the construction of the cultural and tourism centre, a new school infrastructure, the renovation of the hospital and the creation of a regional industrial zone.

Additionally, Mady Schaffner was a lifelong “Lussig Quaichléck” in the AGGL’s scouts and guides. Later on, she was also involved with the FNEL. She really lived the principles of this youth movement and passed them on to other young people. Her social commitment were exemplary on all levels.

With Mady Schaffner, Echternach loses a meritorious politician and kindhearted human being.

The DP Echternach expresses its sincere condolences to the deceased’s family and friends.



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