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Protecting children and young people in sports through safeguarding
“Safeguarding” in sport means protecting children and young people from physical, mental or sexual abuse or ‘grooming’. According to the coalition program, ALAD (Agence Luxembourgeoise Antidopage) should in future take on this theme and act as a national agency for integrity in sport. DP MP Mandy Minella asked the Minister for Sport when the Minister intended to introduce “safeguarding” in sport, whether...
Sport: Being healthy through physical activity Sport plays an essential social role in the eyes of the DP. Regular exercise is not only important for our health and mental well-being. Sport also strengthens social cohesion by teaching important values such as tolerance and fairness, bringing people from different cultures and backgrounds together and thus strengthening inclusion, especially among young...
Equality between women and men in Luxembourg sport
In the last decades, gender equality policy in Luxembourg has continuously improved. Sport in particular can play an important role in this issue. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible ministers about the situation regarding gender equality in Luxembourg sports.
How safe is swimming in open waters in Luxembourg?
With the arrival of summer comes the season of excursions to the lakes. Unfortunately, with each swimming season, there is also the news regarding accidents in- and outside of the water. How safe are the local lakes for the guests? Are there enough safety guards and pool attendents in the country? How are people being protected in and around the local waters? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have...
International security on football events
On 19 March 2021, the Benelux Interparliamentary Assembly adopted a motion for a recommendation on international security on football events and the fight against racism. Our MP, Gusty Graas, asked the ministers in charge, among other things, how the Benelux countries could optimize the exchange of information and whether it would be appropriate to prevent hooligans from travelling to another country....
What financial aid for the sports sector?
Despite the new sanitary measures introduced at the end of October, no part-time unemployment benefit can be requested in the sports sector. In this context, DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Sports whether other financial aid is foreseen for the sports sector.
Protecting children and young people in sports through safeguarding
“Safeguarding” in sport means protecting children and young people from physical, mental or sexual abuse or ‘grooming’. According to the coalition program, ALAD (Agence Luxembourgeoise Antidopage) should in future take on this theme and act as a national agency for integrity in sport. DP MP Mandy Minella asked the Minister for Sport when the Minister intended to introduce “safeguarding” in sport, whether...
Sport: Being healthy through physical activity Sport plays an essential social role in the eyes of the DP. Regular exercise is not only important for our health and mental well-being. Sport also strengthens social cohesion by teaching important values such as tolerance and fairness, bringing people from different cultures and backgrounds together and thus strengthening inclusion, especially among young...
Equality between women and men in Luxembourg sport
In the last decades, gender equality policy in Luxembourg has continuously improved. Sport in particular can play an important role in this issue. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible ministers about the situation regarding gender equality in Luxembourg sports.
How safe is swimming in open waters in Luxembourg?
With the arrival of summer comes the season of excursions to the lakes. Unfortunately, with each swimming season, there is also the news regarding accidents in- and outside of the water. How safe are the local lakes for the guests? Are there enough safety guards and pool attendents in the country? How are people being protected in and around the local waters? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have...
International security on football events
On 19 March 2021, the Benelux Interparliamentary Assembly adopted a motion for a recommendation on international security on football events and the fight against racism. Our MP, Gusty Graas, asked the ministers in charge, among other things, how the Benelux countries could optimize the exchange of information and whether it would be appropriate to prevent hooligans from travelling to another country....
What financial aid for the sports sector?
Despite the new sanitary measures introduced at the end of October, no part-time unemployment benefit can be requested in the sports sector. In this context, DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Sports whether other financial aid is foreseen for the sports sector.
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