06 November 2023
Since the end of October, male "Dubliners" who are traveling as individuals can no longer be accepted in the refugee accommodation. This is because the options are scarce and the existing places are overcrowded. Priority should be given to children, women and vulnerable people. But how have the numbers developed over the past few years and how did we get into this situation? Our MPs Corinne Cahen and...
16 May 2023
On May 9th, the French General Assembly requested in a resolution to add the Wagner group to the list of terrorist organizations. How does our Ministry of Foreign Affairs stand on this request? Will Luxembourg follow suit? Our MP Gusty Graas inquired with the relevant ministry.
08 February 2023
The Malian authorities have expelled a UN diplomat from the country. Gusty Graas MP asks the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs how the Luxembourg government is reacting to this incident and how relations with Mali are in general.
06 January 2023
In Israel, a major reform of the Supreme Court envisaged by the Minister of Justice risks having a significant impact on the judicial system and upsetting the balance of powers. What could be the consequences, and will there be a European reaction? Our MP Gusty Graas inquired with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
07 October 2022
According to the Polish President, the country wants to participate in NATO’s nuclear sharing arrangement. As such, the president claimed that Poland would be willing to station NATO nuclear weapons on Polish territory. Are there already concrete plans and how do the other NATO members feel about this? Our MP Gusty Graas has inquired with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
28 September 2022
The European solidarity corridors facilitate the export of grains from Ukraine. However, the logistics remain quite difficult, and further transport to the final destination is not always ensured. What is the impact on the European single market? Our MP Gusty Grass has inquired to receive further information.
22 September 2022
In his televised speech, the Russian President named Russia's territorial integrity as the top priority. What if the referendums in the Donestk region are in favor of the Russian Federation? Will Putin see this as an impetus to use sharper weapons? Our MP Gusty Graas raised the question with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
17 September 2022
People who have fled Ukraine and want to work or go to school in Luxembourg, must first undergo a medical check-up and a tuberculosis test to complete their file. Due to delays in the appointments, many of these people are currently blocked in the process. When are these people allowed to start looking for a job, and are these children not allowed to go to school? Our MP Carole Hartmann has queried...
24 August 2022
According to information from the Russian Ministry of Defense, 307,000 Ukrainian minors have been forcibly moved to Russia since the invasion of Ukraine in order to eradicate Ukrainian identity. The minors concerned risk being adopted by Russian families, especially since decrees recently signed by President Putin facilitate such adoption. Our MP Gusty Graas inquired to find out how these children...
23 May 2022
On 18 March this year, Belarus by decree extended the possibility to be condemned to the death penalty, so that now not only people who took part in a terrorist act, but also those who attempted such an act can be punished with the death penalty. The opposition sees in this decision an attempt to suppress the free expression of opinion and the opponents of the government. How to assess this situation?...
28 March 2022
According to Europol, women and children in particular are targeted by criminal organisations. What is Luxembourg doing to protect Ukrainian refugees from this violence?
22 March 2022
Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs whether he knew whether any Luxembourg nationals or residents had joined the Ukrainian Foreign Legion.
07 March 2022
In his "Tribune libre" on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin's regime.
07 March 2022
In an interview, Dr. Florian Töpfl pointed out that journalists and moderators of Russian state media have a huge influence on the attitudes of the people towards the Russian war in Ukraine. Like oligarchs and big business, they too should be sanctioned. What is the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this regard? Our MP Gusty Graas wanted to find out …
21 February 2022
When traveling or staying outside the country for longer, there may always be issues for which it may be helpful to have an on-site contact. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides assistance for emergencies and crisis situations. But how many people report their stay at the ministry at all. Our MP Gusty Graas has inquired with the ministry to find out.
17 February 2022
On December 7, 2021, the International Court of Justice ordered Azerbaijan to protect Armenian cultural and religious heritage. However, the destruction of cultural property continues to occur in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. Do the responsible ministries plan to react and how? Our MP Gusty Graas asked the respective ministries.
11 February 2022
Earlier this year, there were major riots in Kazakhstan. Protesters have been brutalized and imprisoned, many have disappeared. An independent inquiry was initially not approved by the president. How is it going now, and what is the plan? Our MPs Gilles Baum and Gusty Graas have asked for details.
03 February 2022
The Polish government's attacks on the rule of law and the LGBTIQ community are increasing. What is the Foreign and European Affairs Minister doing about it?
01 February 2022
The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is escalating. Many people are selling one of their kidneys, in order to support their families. Some people think about selling their own children. Is the situation known and what is being done to help these people. Our MP Gusty Graas has inquired at the relevant ministry.
03 January 2022
Since the opening of the Taiwanese embassy in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, China has been blocking exports from Lithuania, but also from other European member states. Many different industries are affected. Our MP Gusty Graas has asked the responsible ministries whether Luxembourg companies are also affected by the blockade.
07 December 2021
On December 6th , Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced in Myanmar to 4 years in prison for inciting public outrage and for failing to comply with sanitary measures. Other party leaders have been accused of corruption and electoral fraud. This despite the fact that they won the parliamentary elections. What is the current situation in Myanmar and how will it continue. Our MP Gusty Graas inquired at the relevant...
24 September 2021
“Before the rentrée, I met with the Luxembourgish media to discuss how EU foreign policy could be better financed in the coming years.
12 August 2021
The Danish Parliament passed a new immigration law in June of this year, which aims to reject not only those people who have been refused asylum, but also those who are eligible to enter Europe. "Zero asylum seekers" is the aim of the new policy. What does this mean for Europe? Will other countries follow? What is the future of immigration policy in the European Union? MP Gusty Graas asked these questions...
09 August 2021
On September 19, 2021, parliamentary elections will be held in the Russian Federation to appoint members of the “Duma”. Following a decision by Russian authorities, based on the current COVID-19 health crisis, and despite the initial decision to send 450 observers, only a delegation of 10 OSCE observers will be allowed to monitor the elections. What is the position of the Luxembourg government on this...
19 July 2021
Following the military coup in February this year, the army continues to advance with increasing force against the protesters in Myanmar. A political crisis has turned into a human rights catastrophe. Even communications are now being monitored and intercepted on. In the French Senate and in the General Assembly, resolutions have called for recognition of the November election results and to end the...
14 July 2021
Geopolitical tensions in Cyprus have recently taken a new dimension. Turkey plans to bring the inhabitants of Famagusta back under Turkish Cypriot administration by encouraging them to claim their land at the Property Commission, where their property will be contested. As this occupation violates international agreements, including some EU decisions, our MP Gusty Graas has addressed some questions...
05 July 2021
This week our MP Pim Knaff spoke in the 'Tribune Libre' on the radio about the rights of homosexual and transgender people in Hungary and Europe.
07 June 2021
According to media reports, sound cannons are being used on the Greek-Turkish border to stop illegal immigration into these areas. In general, a complete range of new technologies is being employed here to protect the borders and to prevent illegal immigration. How much is invested here and who decides on the resources used? What are the health consequences for refugees who are confronted with this...
02 June 2021
The financial planning of the EU covers a period of 7 years. The European Council decided in July 2020 to invest 1211 billion euros into the budget for the new period. Of this, 79.5 billion euros will flow into international relations, with the main share being used for third-country development cooperation.
22 April 2021
Switzerland has announced an adaptation of the quarantine regulations. In case of contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19, fully vaccinated persons will be exempted from quarantine for a period of six months, starting 14 days after the administration of the second dose of vaccine.
08 April 2021
The plans for the creation of a new shipping canal linking the Mediterranean and the Black Sea have attracted strong national and international criticism. According to a recent open letter signed by 104 former Turkish admirals, the construction of this canal would violate the Montreux Convention. In this context, our MP Gusty Graas put a number of questions to the responsible ministers. Among other...
22 March 2021
On the night of March 20, Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention. What does this mean for the girls and women in the country? What is the Luxembourgish government’s stand on this matter? What will the European Union do in this situation? Can the United Nations use their influence to reverse this decision? MP Gusty Graas asked the Foreign Minister and the Minister for Gender Equality on these...
01 March 2021
In Hungary, a radio station was forced to shut its activities on 14 February 2021. In July 2020, the Hungarian government has already interfered in the media world with the dismissal of the editor-in-chief of "Index", the first news website in Hungary. In Poland, more than 40 media institutions went on strike in February to protest against a proposed "advertising tax", which was seen as an attack on...
01 February 2021
In June 2019, the criminal law was changed in Burkina Faso in such a way that it no longer allows for objective reporting in the news. Ever since, the media are facing an increasing resistance and they are becoming more and more exposed to the risk of consequences due to penal prosecution by the authorities. What is Luxembourg’s stance on this subject and what implications does this have on Luxembourg’s...
01 February 2021
After Aung San Suu Kyi’s party won the elections by a landslide, Myanmar’s army has taken control over the country via a coup in February. The leader of the Burmese civil government and members of her party were arrested and put under house arrest. What is Luxembourg’s position toward these events? How are the Luxembourgish agents currently working and helping in the area? Will these developments have...
01 February 2021
An American ‘Think tank’ proposed to create a bank specifically for NATO to guarantee the financing of its member states’ defense materials. How would this system work and who would profit from it? MP Gusty Graas asked the responsible minister for answers.
19 January 2021
On Sunday Alexej Nawalny flew back from Germany to Moskow and he was arrested at his arrival. A strong international reaction came quickly. What will become of Kremlin’s critic and which consequences will the arrest have for Russia? MP Gusty Graas asked the respective minister in charge.
12 January 2021
The refugees in the Lipa camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been without access to clean water, electricity, heating and tents for months. And this even though alternative options for more winterproof accommodations exist. Those refugees that try to make their way across the border, are retained by Croatian police by force and subjected to violence before being sent back. MPs Gilles Baum and Gusty...
12 January 2021
At the beginning of 2020 discussions regarding a relocalisation of the CHAFEA caused some commotion. On the grounds of efficiency, a number of job positions and activities are to be relocated to Brussels. MP Gusty Graas asked the minister in charge what is currently the plan for CHAFEA
12 January 2021
The government has decided in its current coalition agreement that it will support the recognition of ecocide as a crime. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent ministers what Luxembourg's efforts have been so far in this direction.
01 December 2020
In India, the regulations for donations from abroad were changed in November. This has implications for the work of Luxembourgish NGOs. Gusty Graas, a DP MP, asked the minister in charge.
18 November 2020
Morocco has launched an operation in the narrows of el Guergarat to guarantee the free circulation of people and goods. The "Polisario" and its militias have blocked the border crossing and threatened the ceasefire that has existed in this zone for about 30 years. In the context of these events, our MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs some questions.
16 November 2020
Good afternoon, On 3rd November, a historic election took place: The United States of America elected a new president. Historic because for the last four years the USA has had a president who has been known above all for his strong polarisation and destruction of multilateral relations. Hopes were high in many places that Donald Trump would be replaced. Fortunately, this hope has been fulfilled. The...
06 November 2023
Since the end of October, male "Dubliners" who are traveling as individuals can no longer be accepted in the refugee accommodation. This is because the options are scarce and the existing places are overcrowded. Priority should be given to children, women and vulnerable people. But how have the numbers developed over the past few years and how did we get into this situation? Our MPs Corinne Cahen and...
16 May 2023
On May 9th, the French General Assembly requested in a resolution to add the Wagner group to the list of terrorist organizations. How does our Ministry of Foreign Affairs stand on this request? Will Luxembourg follow suit? Our MP Gusty Graas inquired with the relevant ministry.
08 February 2023
The Malian authorities have expelled a UN diplomat from the country. Gusty Graas MP asks the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs how the Luxembourg government is reacting to this incident and how relations with Mali are in general.
06 January 2023
In Israel, a major reform of the Supreme Court envisaged by the Minister of Justice risks having a significant impact on the judicial system and upsetting the balance of powers. What could be the consequences, and will there be a European reaction? Our MP Gusty Graas inquired with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
07 October 2022
According to the Polish President, the country wants to participate in NATO’s nuclear sharing arrangement. As such, the president claimed that Poland would be willing to station NATO nuclear weapons on Polish territory. Are there already concrete plans and how do the other NATO members feel about this? Our MP Gusty Graas has inquired with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
28 September 2022
The European solidarity corridors facilitate the export of grains from Ukraine. However, the logistics remain quite difficult, and further transport to the final destination is not always ensured. What is the impact on the European single market? Our MP Gusty Grass has inquired to receive further information.
22 September 2022
In his televised speech, the Russian President named Russia's territorial integrity as the top priority. What if the referendums in the Donestk region are in favor of the Russian Federation? Will Putin see this as an impetus to use sharper weapons? Our MP Gusty Graas raised the question with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
17 September 2022
People who have fled Ukraine and want to work or go to school in Luxembourg, must first undergo a medical check-up and a tuberculosis test to complete their file. Due to delays in the appointments, many of these people are currently blocked in the process. When are these people allowed to start looking for a job, and are these children not allowed to go to school? Our MP Carole Hartmann has queried...
24 August 2022
According to information from the Russian Ministry of Defense, 307,000 Ukrainian minors have been forcibly moved to Russia since the invasion of Ukraine in order to eradicate Ukrainian identity. The minors concerned risk being adopted by Russian families, especially since decrees recently signed by President Putin facilitate such adoption. Our MP Gusty Graas inquired to find out how these children...
23 May 2022
On 18 March this year, Belarus by decree extended the possibility to be condemned to the death penalty, so that now not only people who took part in a terrorist act, but also those who attempted such an act can be punished with the death penalty. The opposition sees in this decision an attempt to suppress the free expression of opinion and the opponents of the government. How to assess this situation?...
28 March 2022
According to Europol, women and children in particular are targeted by criminal organisations. What is Luxembourg doing to protect Ukrainian refugees from this violence?
22 March 2022
Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs whether he knew whether any Luxembourg nationals or residents had joined the Ukrainian Foreign Legion.
07 March 2022
In his "Tribune libre" on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin's regime.
07 March 2022
In an interview, Dr. Florian Töpfl pointed out that journalists and moderators of Russian state media have a huge influence on the attitudes of the people towards the Russian war in Ukraine. Like oligarchs and big business, they too should be sanctioned. What is the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this regard? Our MP Gusty Graas wanted to find out …
21 February 2022
When traveling or staying outside the country for longer, there may always be issues for which it may be helpful to have an on-site contact. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides assistance for emergencies and crisis situations. But how many people report their stay at the ministry at all. Our MP Gusty Graas has inquired with the ministry to find out.
17 February 2022
On December 7, 2021, the International Court of Justice ordered Azerbaijan to protect Armenian cultural and religious heritage. However, the destruction of cultural property continues to occur in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. Do the responsible ministries plan to react and how? Our MP Gusty Graas asked the respective ministries.
11 February 2022
Earlier this year, there were major riots in Kazakhstan. Protesters have been brutalized and imprisoned, many have disappeared. An independent inquiry was initially not approved by the president. How is it going now, and what is the plan? Our MPs Gilles Baum and Gusty Graas have asked for details.
03 February 2022
The Polish government's attacks on the rule of law and the LGBTIQ community are increasing. What is the Foreign and European Affairs Minister doing about it?
01 February 2022
The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is escalating. Many people are selling one of their kidneys, in order to support their families. Some people think about selling their own children. Is the situation known and what is being done to help these people. Our MP Gusty Graas has inquired at the relevant ministry.
03 January 2022
Since the opening of the Taiwanese embassy in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, China has been blocking exports from Lithuania, but also from other European member states. Many different industries are affected. Our MP Gusty Graas has asked the responsible ministries whether Luxembourg companies are also affected by the blockade.
07 December 2021
On December 6th , Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced in Myanmar to 4 years in prison for inciting public outrage and for failing to comply with sanitary measures. Other party leaders have been accused of corruption and electoral fraud. This despite the fact that they won the parliamentary elections. What is the current situation in Myanmar and how will it continue. Our MP Gusty Graas inquired at the relevant...
24 September 2021
“Before the rentrée, I met with the Luxembourgish media to discuss how EU foreign policy could be better financed in the coming years.
12 August 2021
The Danish Parliament passed a new immigration law in June of this year, which aims to reject not only those people who have been refused asylum, but also those who are eligible to enter Europe. "Zero asylum seekers" is the aim of the new policy. What does this mean for Europe? Will other countries follow? What is the future of immigration policy in the European Union? MP Gusty Graas asked these questions...
09 August 2021
On September 19, 2021, parliamentary elections will be held in the Russian Federation to appoint members of the “Duma”. Following a decision by Russian authorities, based on the current COVID-19 health crisis, and despite the initial decision to send 450 observers, only a delegation of 10 OSCE observers will be allowed to monitor the elections. What is the position of the Luxembourg government on this...
19 July 2021
Following the military coup in February this year, the army continues to advance with increasing force against the protesters in Myanmar. A political crisis has turned into a human rights catastrophe. Even communications are now being monitored and intercepted on. In the French Senate and in the General Assembly, resolutions have called for recognition of the November election results and to end the...
14 July 2021
Geopolitical tensions in Cyprus have recently taken a new dimension. Turkey plans to bring the inhabitants of Famagusta back under Turkish Cypriot administration by encouraging them to claim their land at the Property Commission, where their property will be contested. As this occupation violates international agreements, including some EU decisions, our MP Gusty Graas has addressed some questions...
05 July 2021
This week our MP Pim Knaff spoke in the 'Tribune Libre' on the radio about the rights of homosexual and transgender people in Hungary and Europe.
07 June 2021
According to media reports, sound cannons are being used on the Greek-Turkish border to stop illegal immigration into these areas. In general, a complete range of new technologies is being employed here to protect the borders and to prevent illegal immigration. How much is invested here and who decides on the resources used? What are the health consequences for refugees who are confronted with this...
02 June 2021
The financial planning of the EU covers a period of 7 years. The European Council decided in July 2020 to invest 1211 billion euros into the budget for the new period. Of this, 79.5 billion euros will flow into international relations, with the main share being used for third-country development cooperation.
22 April 2021
Switzerland has announced an adaptation of the quarantine regulations. In case of contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19, fully vaccinated persons will be exempted from quarantine for a period of six months, starting 14 days after the administration of the second dose of vaccine.
08 April 2021
The plans for the creation of a new shipping canal linking the Mediterranean and the Black Sea have attracted strong national and international criticism. According to a recent open letter signed by 104 former Turkish admirals, the construction of this canal would violate the Montreux Convention. In this context, our MP Gusty Graas put a number of questions to the responsible ministers. Among other...
22 March 2021
On the night of March 20, Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention. What does this mean for the girls and women in the country? What is the Luxembourgish government’s stand on this matter? What will the European Union do in this situation? Can the United Nations use their influence to reverse this decision? MP Gusty Graas asked the Foreign Minister and the Minister for Gender Equality on these...
01 March 2021
In Hungary, a radio station was forced to shut its activities on 14 February 2021. In July 2020, the Hungarian government has already interfered in the media world with the dismissal of the editor-in-chief of "Index", the first news website in Hungary. In Poland, more than 40 media institutions went on strike in February to protest against a proposed "advertising tax", which was seen as an attack on...
01 February 2021
In June 2019, the criminal law was changed in Burkina Faso in such a way that it no longer allows for objective reporting in the news. Ever since, the media are facing an increasing resistance and they are becoming more and more exposed to the risk of consequences due to penal prosecution by the authorities. What is Luxembourg’s stance on this subject and what implications does this have on Luxembourg’s...
01 February 2021
After Aung San Suu Kyi’s party won the elections by a landslide, Myanmar’s army has taken control over the country via a coup in February. The leader of the Burmese civil government and members of her party were arrested and put under house arrest. What is Luxembourg’s position toward these events? How are the Luxembourgish agents currently working and helping in the area? Will these developments have...
01 February 2021
An American ‘Think tank’ proposed to create a bank specifically for NATO to guarantee the financing of its member states’ defense materials. How would this system work and who would profit from it? MP Gusty Graas asked the responsible minister for answers.
19 January 2021
On Sunday Alexej Nawalny flew back from Germany to Moskow and he was arrested at his arrival. A strong international reaction came quickly. What will become of Kremlin’s critic and which consequences will the arrest have for Russia? MP Gusty Graas asked the respective minister in charge.
12 January 2021
The refugees in the Lipa camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been without access to clean water, electricity, heating and tents for months. And this even though alternative options for more winterproof accommodations exist. Those refugees that try to make their way across the border, are retained by Croatian police by force and subjected to violence before being sent back. MPs Gilles Baum and Gusty...
12 January 2021
At the beginning of 2020 discussions regarding a relocalisation of the CHAFEA caused some commotion. On the grounds of efficiency, a number of job positions and activities are to be relocated to Brussels. MP Gusty Graas asked the minister in charge what is currently the plan for CHAFEA
12 January 2021
The government has decided in its current coalition agreement that it will support the recognition of ecocide as a crime. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent ministers what Luxembourg's efforts have been so far in this direction.
01 December 2020
In India, the regulations for donations from abroad were changed in November. This has implications for the work of Luxembourgish NGOs. Gusty Graas, a DP MP, asked the minister in charge.
18 November 2020
Morocco has launched an operation in the narrows of el Guergarat to guarantee the free circulation of people and goods. The "Polisario" and its militias have blocked the border crossing and threatened the ceasefire that has existed in this zone for about 30 years. In the context of these events, our MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs some questions.
16 November 2020
Good afternoon, On 3rd November, a historic election took place: The United States of America elected a new president. Historic because for the last four years the USA has had a president who has been known above all for his strong polarisation and destruction of multilateral relations. Hopes were high in many places that Donald Trump would be replaced. Fortunately, this hope has been fulfilled. The...