11 December 2023
In the “Tribune Libre”, radio broadcast, our Member of Parliament (MP), Mandy Minella, highlighted the new government’s intensified efforts towards fostering a better work-life balance in Luxembourg.
03 August 2023
Family policy: For a better way of living together The DP advocates a contemporary family policy that focuses on the well-being of children and parents. Under the impetus of the DP, family policy has been thoroughly modernised in the past legislative periods. Thanks to the flexibilisation and better remuneration of parental leave, as well as the upgrading of paternity leave from two to ten days, we...
04 July 2022
Speaking on RTL’s Tribune Libre, our Eastern MP Carole Hartmann talked about the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to repeal the right to abortion in the U.S.. As stated by our secretary-general, this is terrible news regarding women's self-determination over their bodies. And a warning that women must continue to fight for their rights.
02 May 2022
In the ‘Tribune Libre’ programme on the radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty talks about the Solidarity Package of €830 million which the Tripartite agreed on to help people and businesses get through the current crisis.
02 March 2022
In his state of the nation address, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel highlighted the social-liberal aims of the government by announcing new social measures.
12 July 2021
The “Luxembourgish way” – the mixture between vaccination and sanitary measures – is the right way in the fight against the pandemic. This was our parliamentary group’s leaders’ message at the concluding press conference of the DP parliamentary group.
02 June 2021
We want a world in which everyone has access everywhere - not just physically, but also access to information. During the corona pandemic, the government did everything in its power to provide information to everyone: the leaflets were translated into several languages and the press conferences could be followed in sign language.
02 April 2021
Operations on intersex children are not uncommon. Intersexuality is often seen as a medical problem that needs to be addressed. Regardless of whether these children are healthy, they are being refused a choice that they should have been able to make a later date. In Germany, a law is currently being discussed prohibiting this practice and aiming to strengthen intersex children in their self-determination....
02 April 2021
A miscarriage is a horrible moment for any parent. An end to a new life, before it even began. In New Zealand, a law has been passed to allow parents to take extra leave in this case. They should be given time to mourn their loss. Deputies Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked if such an extra leave is also planned in Luxembourg.
11 December 2023
In the “Tribune Libre”, radio broadcast, our Member of Parliament (MP), Mandy Minella, highlighted the new government’s intensified efforts towards fostering a better work-life balance in Luxembourg.
03 August 2023
Family policy: For a better way of living together The DP advocates a contemporary family policy that focuses on the well-being of children and parents. Under the impetus of the DP, family policy has been thoroughly modernised in the past legislative periods. Thanks to the flexibilisation and better remuneration of parental leave, as well as the upgrading of paternity leave from two to ten days, we...
04 July 2022
Speaking on RTL’s Tribune Libre, our Eastern MP Carole Hartmann talked about the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to repeal the right to abortion in the U.S.. As stated by our secretary-general, this is terrible news regarding women's self-determination over their bodies. And a warning that women must continue to fight for their rights.
02 May 2022
In the ‘Tribune Libre’ programme on the radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty talks about the Solidarity Package of €830 million which the Tripartite agreed on to help people and businesses get through the current crisis.
02 March 2022
In his state of the nation address, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel highlighted the social-liberal aims of the government by announcing new social measures.
12 July 2021
The “Luxembourgish way” – the mixture between vaccination and sanitary measures – is the right way in the fight against the pandemic. This was our parliamentary group’s leaders’ message at the concluding press conference of the DP parliamentary group.
02 June 2021
We want a world in which everyone has access everywhere - not just physically, but also access to information. During the corona pandemic, the government did everything in its power to provide information to everyone: the leaflets were translated into several languages and the press conferences could be followed in sign language.
02 April 2021
Operations on intersex children are not uncommon. Intersexuality is often seen as a medical problem that needs to be addressed. Regardless of whether these children are healthy, they are being refused a choice that they should have been able to make a later date. In Germany, a law is currently being discussed prohibiting this practice and aiming to strengthen intersex children in their self-determination....
02 April 2021
A miscarriage is a horrible moment for any parent. An end to a new life, before it even began. In New Zealand, a law has been passed to allow parents to take extra leave in this case. They should be given time to mourn their loss. Deputies Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked if such an extra leave is also planned in Luxembourg.