23 January 2025
Our deputies André Bauler and Luc Emering have inquired about how much this tax has brought in for the state over the past years and which environmental projects have been funded with these revenues.
22 January 2025
The consumption of e-cigarettes by teenagers and young adults continues to increase. DP MP Gérard Schockmel asked the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Environment how many e-cigarettes are sold in Luxembourg, what impact they can have on the environment and what health effects the chemicals contained in the e-liquids have.
31 May 2024
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) is currently classified as “not relevant” by the European authorities, which is criticized by the European Pesticide Action Network and its members due to the persistence of this substance in the environment and the challenges associated with this acid. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether he would support a re-evaluation...
22 May 2024
In the event of torrential rains, or when it rains for a long time without interruption, the “Tirelbaach” quickly emerges from its bed, where many basements are often flooded. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority had already carried out studies to find out whether there are possibilities for retention...
16 May 2024
Forest fires have risen sharply in recent years as a result of climate change. DP Members of Parliament André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity and the Minister for Home Affairs how the number of forest fires has changed over the last 10 years, which areas are most affected, how often the CGDIS has had to intervene and what preventive measures have...
03 May 2024
Since 1 May 2024, the hunting season for certain game species has been extended in order to combat the overpopulation of game animals and thus protect the forests. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Gusty Graas asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity what exact figures indicate that there is an overpopulation of game animals, what measures are planned to enable hunters to fulfill their...
25 April 2024
The health of trees in Luxembourg has deteriorated significantly. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether concrete projects are underway to counteract the deteriorating health and resilience of the forests and where these are taking place, what is planned to massively replant and compensate for the loss of trees and whether organisms...
23 April 2024
Invasive plants and animals are a threat to our ecosystem because they can spread massively and cause great damage. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity which plants and animals have been classified as invasive here in Luxembourg, which are the most aggressive ones and where they spread, what risk this poses to human health and whether...
18 April 2024
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.
18 April 2024
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler have asked the Minister of the Environment how many authorisations for buildings in the green zone have been applied for in the last 5 years, how many applications have been rejected and when the principle of "silence is consent" will be introduced in the authorisation procedure.
21 March 2024
The “Asian hornet” has been destroying bee colonies in the Western Palatinate and eating their honey for a few years now. Many bee colonies in Rhineland-Palatinate are also affected by the “Varroa mite”. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture how many bee colonies have fallen victim to the “varroa mite” in the last five years, whether the “Asian...
13 February 2024
In February, foamy pollution was discovered in the stream on the cycle path between Biissen and Colmar-Berg, which runs from the Roost into the Attert. DP MP Gusty Graas has asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority has been able to determine the source of the pollution and whether any damage has been caused to the flora and fauna.
13 February 2024
On Sunday morning, February 11, pollution of the Alzette was detected in Schifflange. To stop the contamination, the CGDIS has installed a dam in the Brill district. DP MP Gusty Graas has asked the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority has been able to find out more about the origin of this pollution, what exactly the pollution is and when the...
27 November 2023
In his “Tribune Libre” this week, DP MP Luc Emering talks about modern nature conservation that does not work with enemy images and does not get bogged down by unimportant details.
29 March 2023
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas wanted to know how the groundwater levels have evolved in recent months.
08 February 2023
After the Drosbach in the industrial zone near Leudelange has been polluted several times in the past, DP MP Gusty Graas asked what the exact causes are and which consequences there will be.
27 January 2023
After petrol has been spilled into the Sauer near Martelange, DP MP Gusty Graas wanted to know what the origin of the pollution is and what impact it has on the Sauer's biosphere.
09 November 2022
Since a side arm of the Sauer is currently being cleaned in Steenem, and it would also be appropriate to carry out such work in other places, the DP MP André Bauler asked if it is planned to clean the Sauer in other places.
29 September 2022
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas wanted to know what the impact of the kerosene leak in Echternacherbrück on the environment is.
27 September 2022
The problem of the lack of construction debris dumps in Luxembourg has been known for a long time. The consequences are long journeys for the trucks, an increased burden on the environment, and higher costs for the end customers. Are there plans for the future and how can the situation be controlled? Our MP Max Hahn inquired with the relevant ministry.
29 July 2022
The latest report of the IPBES showed how strongly humanity is dependent on wild animals and plants. Before the COP15 in Canada on biodiversity, DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what conclusions the government draws from that report for Luxembourg.
19 July 2022
By 2050, the EU wants to use 20% of the agricultural land for biomass and quadruple the import of timber to produce energy. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the government's position on these plans was.
14 July 2022
A year after the floods of July 14 and 15, DP Member of Parliament Carole Hartmann asked the Interior Minister, among other things, how high the total damage was at municipal level and how much money had already been paid to the respective municipalities.
29 June 2022
One of the consequences of climate change is that the risk of forest fires increases due to higher temperatures and prolonged periods of drought. DP MP André Bauler has therefore asked how many forest fires there have been in the last years and how the CGDIS is preparing for a possible increase in this phenomenon.
29 June 2022
A recent German study concludes that sewage treatment plants, not agriculture, are responsible for phosphorus pollution in water bodies. The DP MP Gusty Graas asks the Minister of Environment if this conclusion can also be applied to Luxembourg and how high the phosphate concentration is in our waters.
20 June 2022
Along the Alzette and the Sûre rivers many trees seem to be sick. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were.
13 June 2022
What does agriculture mean without cows? Will the emissions of greenhouse gases decrease? Does this have other consequences on food security. American scientists have done a study on this. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture if he was aware of this study and if the same conclusions could be drawn for Luxembourg.
25 May 2022
Studies are currently being carried out to possibly prepare water from the Moselle for human consumption in the future. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked when these studies will be completed and what the water quality of the Moselle is like.
24 May 2022
As in 2018 and 2019, this year will be exceptionally dry. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have therefore asked the Environment Minister some questions.
06 May 2022
the raccoon is an invasive species that seems to be spreading more and more in Luxembourg. Contacts with people seem to multiply as of recently. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn therefore asked how the population was developing and whether measures to regulate the population were effective.
29 April 2022
In Belgium, the debate over the disposal of nuclear waste is entering a new phase. The geological storage seems to be decided thing. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible what the position of the Luxembourg government was and how it was involved in the decision-making process.
11 April 2022
The DP MP Gusty Graas asked the responsible minister about the current wolf prevention policy after a shepherd had recently expressed his dissatisfaction with Luxembourg's wolf policy in a newspaper article.
06 April 2022
How long has it been known that the French hunting test does not meet our standards? Why was it only now that the decision was made not to recognize the French hunting examination? DP MP Guy Arendt asked the competent minister.
04 April 2022
DP MP André Bauler asked the concerned ministre several questions about the tree alleys around the country.
30 March 2022
How is it possible that the Administration of the environment only stopped work on the Ettelbruck railway station after it had already started? Why were the swallow nests only then discovered? DP MP André Bauler asked the competent minister some questions.
How many cases where people simply dispose of their waste in nature have there been in recent years?
30 March 2022
Again and again one sees places in nature where people have disposed of their trash. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have asked how many cases there have been in recent years.
21 February 2022
It seems that a pollution of the Moselle has occurred near the Cattenom nuclear plant. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know further details on this incident from the competent minister.
28 January 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the drinking water sources's quality is and if the new protection zones have already had an impact.
28 January 2022
Following the floods of last July, many people and municipalities have decided to invest in flood protection measures, which are also financially supported by the Water fund. DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked, among other things, how many applications had already been received and how many of them had already been processed.
24 January 2022
DP MP Gusty Graas wanted to know, how it is possible that the state clips hedges on a municipality's grounds without even asking.
24 January 2022
How many fishing lots and syndicates are there in Luxembourg? What is the lots' average length? How many have been removed from lease during the last years? DP MP Gusty Graas asked the competent minister several questions.
19 January 2022
In their preliminary report, the four Member States that are evaluating the extension of the authorization of glyphosate in the EU, conclude that there is no reason to ban the controversial plant protection product. However, the expertise of this preliminary report is being questioned by several parties. DP MP Gusty Graas asked how the Luxembourg government sees things and what it intends to do to...
10 January 2022
In order to get people more involved in climate policy discussions, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the creation of a Citizens' Climate Council in October - he recently presented the details. In his ‘Tribune libre’, the Secretary General of the DP, Claude Lamberty, addresses this unique project in Luxembourg, and emphasizes the importance of an ambitious climate policy, which is also supported...
10 January 2022
As provided for in the water framework directive, a public consultation was organized regarding the third management plan, in which both private individuals and municipalities could submit their comments and opinions. DP MP Gusty Graas asked what the outcome of this consultation was.
05 January 2022
Years ago, the project of a dike in Clervaux was presented to improve flood protection at the entrance of the town. Since the dossier does not really seem to be progressing, DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked if the project is still being realised and if so, what the state of progress is.
02 December 2021
It appears around 100.000 litres of liquid manure ended up in the Nothomb stream around Holtz. DP MP Gusty Graas wanted to know what the origins are and what the consequences are.
23 November 2021
After the July floodings there is still a lot of rubbish in our rivers, including trash that people dispose of there. DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler wanted to know how the river's maintenance is being coordinated and when the rubbish will be cleaned.
16 November 2021
In the wake of the inondations from last July a couple of mobile homes ended up in the Sûre, where they have remained until now. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the responsible minister when they will be taken away.
11 November 2021
Two of our MPs, André Bauler and Gusty Graas, have asked the Minister of Agriculture about the current situation regarding the Japanese beetle in Luxembourg: which crops are the most at risk? How can the spread of the Japanese beetle be prevented and where can the discovery of such a beetle be reported?
10 November 2021
DP MP Guy Arendt asked the ministers how many animals the fox has killed in recent years and how much economic damage has been caused. He also inquired as to the current state of the diseases detected in the tested foxes, and also raised the question whether one should not regulate the fox population again.
11 October 2021
The stink bug is an invasive insect native to Asia that causes many headaches for winegrowers, fruit and vegetable producers. These bugs can indeed cause very serious damage in vines, orchards or vegetable gardens. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the ministers concerned whether these insects had already spread in Luxembourg and whether damage had already been detected in crops.
30 September 2021
With a bonus, the Ministry of the Environment in Thuringia wants to encourage people to have their electrical appliances repaired instead of throwing them away. DP MP Max Hahn therefore asked if this would not be a way to strengthen the circular economy also here in Luxembourg.
24 September 2021
The floods of the summer have hit our country unexpectedly. In comparison to neighboring countries, Luxembourg had the chance that no one was injured. However, dramatic scenes unfolded here as well, and the water caused enormous damage. All of this in addition to a corona crisis which, on its own, is already affecting many people and companies.
08 September 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas point out to the Ministry of the Environment that there are still tree trunks in the Attert river that pose a threat to the SEBES bridge. They are therefore asking the Minister what is being done to counter this risk and whether there are other places along the Attert where fallen trees could lead to jams during floods?
31 August 2021
In parts of Europe, cereal and potato harvests appear to have suffered from the rainy weather in recent weeks. What information have the ministry's services already been able to obtain and what consequences will there be for future harvests. Our MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas made inquiries with the Ministry.
23 August 2021
According to a recent newspaper article, the Ministry of the Environment has proposed to reclassify the entire village of Rindschleiden into a green zone. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were for this and what impact such decisions could have, in particular on possible claims for damages.
19 August 2021
In Rumelange, the CFL wants to destroy a historic railway tunnel, i.e. remove the ground above the tunnel, to modernize the track. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what environmental impact these works had.
29 July 2021
Due to the recent floods, many fish have not been able to swim back into their stream or river. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the concerned minister whether she was already aware of the effects of the recent floods on the national fish stocks and whether the “plan de repeuplement” needed to be adjusted now.
22 July 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have heard that there has been a recent pollution of the Our river near Lieler. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister if she had any further information on this incident.
22 July 2021
Could the installation of polders that capture water masses during floods reduce the risk of flooding in rivers? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister.
21 July 2021
The floods apparently also damaged a number of sewage treatment plants, so that there is a risk of contaminated water flowing into the rivers. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the ministre responsible if this was the case, which sewage treatment plants were affected and what the impact was on the rivers.
19 July 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt have heard that the secretaries of the former hunting syndicates are not allowed to give out the account numbers of forest, meadow and field owners to the new secretaries for data protection reasons. Therefore, they asked the Minister responsible how this problem could be solved.
29 June 2021
Global warming and increasingly frequent droughts have negative consequences for Luxembourg's agricultural land. Agroforestry could be a solution to protect our soils against drought. In this context, DP-MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Agriculture for more information on Agroforestry.
02 June 2021
Promoting soft mobility, giving people more space in public areas, making the city more attractive. Even before the pandemic, a lot of work had been done at the Knuedler, but the crisis certainly helped to speed up the process.
02 June 2021
Our environment has a direct impact on our health in many ways. The Covid pandemic has clearly shown this. Therefore, the DP wants to strengthen the role of environmental medicine and the health policy.
11 May 2021
Large mirrors in space, the scattering of particles in the atmosphere or the creation of artificial clouds to reflect the sun: these are just a few examples of the so-called "geo-engineering" that some scientists want to focus on in order to stop global warming. However, as the consequences of such far-reaching interventions in nature can be unpredictable and even potentially dramatic, DP MPs Gusty...
04 May 2021
The installation of a rainwater system to use rainwater for various purposes is an opportunity to save drinking water, just as drought and heat put groundwater levels under stress. DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the minister responsible how many public buildings are already equipped with such a system and what the plans for the future look like.
07 April 2021
The constant growth of our population goes hand in hand with an increase of waste that local authorities need to dispose of. In this context, the DP deputies Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development if the capacity of the incinerator in Leudelingen and the landfill Muertendall are to be expanded any time soon.
01 April 2021
It is known that foxes often transmit diseases. Now the ministry has warned of distemper detected in foxes. This disease can also be transmitted to dogs. Guy Arendt, member of the DP, asks the ministers concerned how many diseases have been detected in recent years in foxes and how to prevent the spread of these viruses.
24 March 2021
Especially in winter, there are frequent pollutions of the Syr, due to the defrosting of aircraft at Findel. DP MP Gusty Graas asked if there was an analysis of how much the Syr is affected by this and what action is being taken to improve the situation.
23 March 2021
The Mouvement écologique has recently criticized the fact that wildlife damage in Luxembourg is too high and that more hunting needs to be done. DP MP Guy Arendt has some ideas on how to improve the efficiency of hunting and asks the Environment Minister what measures they intend to implement to optimize hunting.
22 March 2021
Forests play an important role in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the dry spells and the high temperatures take an important toll on them. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned minister about the number of applications for subsidies under the "Climate Bonus" program, the extent of the work on the reform of the Aid Catalog and several other measures that...
04 March 2021
The action plan against noise on major highways does not a priori provide for strengthening protection against noise along the A1. However, it has come to the DP MP Carole Hartmann's attention that many people living near the motorway would like additional measures. Therefore, Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister if other measures were possible.
24 February 2021
The spinycheek crayfish and the signal crayfish are two invasive species that have been spreading throughout Europe for many years - with a devastating impact on local ecosystems. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the concerned minister whether the measures proposed in the action plan had so far been successful, how many of these animals have been caught or fished in recent years...
22 February 2021
What has been the evolution of the lake's water levels in recent years? What is the condition of the dam wall? The deputy of the DP André Bauler addressed several questions to the competent ministers.
17 February 2021
The government announced a pilot project last summer to support the drone rescue of fawns from combine harvesters. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas wanted more information on this pilot project.
10 February 2021
The president of the hunter's federation motivated his resignation by the lack of constructive collaboration and a "contempt" ("Missachten") on the part of the Minister of the Environment vis-à-vis hunters. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Gusty Graas wanted to know the minister's reaction to these allegations and how the current situation is planned to be resolved.
02 February 2021
In a recent interview, the President of the Chamber of Agriculture regrets that no follow-up has been given to an analysis on the high concentration of phosphate in the water of the Haute-Sûre dam lake submitted to the Minister of the environment. This is why the deputy of the DP Gusty Graas asked for explanations on this subject from the minister in question.
28 January 2021
A possible first presence of the golden jackal in Luxembourg was detected recently. This is why the deputies of the DP André Bauler and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent minister what will be the impact of this new species on the native fauna and what is the general state in the fight against invasive alien species.
12 January 2021
The government has decided in its current coalition agreement that it will support the recognition of ecocide as a crime. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent ministers what Luxembourg's efforts have been so far in this direction.
12 January 2021
The possibility of using water from the Moselle to irrigate young vines in times of extreme heat and drought already exists in Luxembourg, one only needs an authorization. However, few winegrowers take advantage of it, while the president of independent winegrowers is arguing for more use. What are the reasons for this? Should more information be provided on this possibility, or should the administrative...
26 November 2020
The Ministry of Environment considers hunting as a "recreational activity" and therefore bans driven hunting until the 15th December. DP MP Guy Arendt asked the Minister which legislative text she was referring to in order to classify hunting accordingly. According to the MP, the hunt is not explicitly covered by the new Covid law and one should still be able to hunt with the necessary distance and...
23 January 2025
Our deputies André Bauler and Luc Emering have inquired about how much this tax has brought in for the state over the past years and which environmental projects have been funded with these revenues.
22 January 2025
The consumption of e-cigarettes by teenagers and young adults continues to increase. DP MP Gérard Schockmel asked the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Environment how many e-cigarettes are sold in Luxembourg, what impact they can have on the environment and what health effects the chemicals contained in the e-liquids have.
31 May 2024
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) is currently classified as “not relevant” by the European authorities, which is criticized by the European Pesticide Action Network and its members due to the persistence of this substance in the environment and the challenges associated with this acid. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether he would support a re-evaluation...
22 May 2024
In the event of torrential rains, or when it rains for a long time without interruption, the “Tirelbaach” quickly emerges from its bed, where many basements are often flooded. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority had already carried out studies to find out whether there are possibilities for retention...
16 May 2024
Forest fires have risen sharply in recent years as a result of climate change. DP Members of Parliament André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity and the Minister for Home Affairs how the number of forest fires has changed over the last 10 years, which areas are most affected, how often the CGDIS has had to intervene and what preventive measures have...
03 May 2024
Since 1 May 2024, the hunting season for certain game species has been extended in order to combat the overpopulation of game animals and thus protect the forests. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Gusty Graas asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity what exact figures indicate that there is an overpopulation of game animals, what measures are planned to enable hunters to fulfill their...
25 April 2024
The health of trees in Luxembourg has deteriorated significantly. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether concrete projects are underway to counteract the deteriorating health and resilience of the forests and where these are taking place, what is planned to massively replant and compensate for the loss of trees and whether organisms...
23 April 2024
Invasive plants and animals are a threat to our ecosystem because they can spread massively and cause great damage. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity which plants and animals have been classified as invasive here in Luxembourg, which are the most aggressive ones and where they spread, what risk this poses to human health and whether...
18 April 2024
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.
18 April 2024
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler have asked the Minister of the Environment how many authorisations for buildings in the green zone have been applied for in the last 5 years, how many applications have been rejected and when the principle of "silence is consent" will be introduced in the authorisation procedure.
21 March 2024
The “Asian hornet” has been destroying bee colonies in the Western Palatinate and eating their honey for a few years now. Many bee colonies in Rhineland-Palatinate are also affected by the “Varroa mite”. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture how many bee colonies have fallen victim to the “varroa mite” in the last five years, whether the “Asian...
13 February 2024
In February, foamy pollution was discovered in the stream on the cycle path between Biissen and Colmar-Berg, which runs from the Roost into the Attert. DP MP Gusty Graas has asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority has been able to determine the source of the pollution and whether any damage has been caused to the flora and fauna.
13 February 2024
On Sunday morning, February 11, pollution of the Alzette was detected in Schifflange. To stop the contamination, the CGDIS has installed a dam in the Brill district. DP MP Gusty Graas has asked the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority has been able to find out more about the origin of this pollution, what exactly the pollution is and when the...
27 November 2023
In his “Tribune Libre” this week, DP MP Luc Emering talks about modern nature conservation that does not work with enemy images and does not get bogged down by unimportant details.
29 March 2023
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas wanted to know how the groundwater levels have evolved in recent months.
08 February 2023
After the Drosbach in the industrial zone near Leudelange has been polluted several times in the past, DP MP Gusty Graas asked what the exact causes are and which consequences there will be.
27 January 2023
After petrol has been spilled into the Sauer near Martelange, DP MP Gusty Graas wanted to know what the origin of the pollution is and what impact it has on the Sauer's biosphere.
09 November 2022
Since a side arm of the Sauer is currently being cleaned in Steenem, and it would also be appropriate to carry out such work in other places, the DP MP André Bauler asked if it is planned to clean the Sauer in other places.
29 September 2022
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas wanted to know what the impact of the kerosene leak in Echternacherbrück on the environment is.
27 September 2022
The problem of the lack of construction debris dumps in Luxembourg has been known for a long time. The consequences are long journeys for the trucks, an increased burden on the environment, and higher costs for the end customers. Are there plans for the future and how can the situation be controlled? Our MP Max Hahn inquired with the relevant ministry.
29 July 2022
The latest report of the IPBES showed how strongly humanity is dependent on wild animals and plants. Before the COP15 in Canada on biodiversity, DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what conclusions the government draws from that report for Luxembourg.
19 July 2022
By 2050, the EU wants to use 20% of the agricultural land for biomass and quadruple the import of timber to produce energy. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the government's position on these plans was.
14 July 2022
A year after the floods of July 14 and 15, DP Member of Parliament Carole Hartmann asked the Interior Minister, among other things, how high the total damage was at municipal level and how much money had already been paid to the respective municipalities.
29 June 2022
One of the consequences of climate change is that the risk of forest fires increases due to higher temperatures and prolonged periods of drought. DP MP André Bauler has therefore asked how many forest fires there have been in the last years and how the CGDIS is preparing for a possible increase in this phenomenon.
29 June 2022
A recent German study concludes that sewage treatment plants, not agriculture, are responsible for phosphorus pollution in water bodies. The DP MP Gusty Graas asks the Minister of Environment if this conclusion can also be applied to Luxembourg and how high the phosphate concentration is in our waters.
20 June 2022
Along the Alzette and the Sûre rivers many trees seem to be sick. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were.
13 June 2022
What does agriculture mean without cows? Will the emissions of greenhouse gases decrease? Does this have other consequences on food security. American scientists have done a study on this. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture if he was aware of this study and if the same conclusions could be drawn for Luxembourg.
25 May 2022
Studies are currently being carried out to possibly prepare water from the Moselle for human consumption in the future. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked when these studies will be completed and what the water quality of the Moselle is like.
24 May 2022
As in 2018 and 2019, this year will be exceptionally dry. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have therefore asked the Environment Minister some questions.
06 May 2022
the raccoon is an invasive species that seems to be spreading more and more in Luxembourg. Contacts with people seem to multiply as of recently. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn therefore asked how the population was developing and whether measures to regulate the population were effective.
29 April 2022
In Belgium, the debate over the disposal of nuclear waste is entering a new phase. The geological storage seems to be decided thing. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible what the position of the Luxembourg government was and how it was involved in the decision-making process.
11 April 2022
The DP MP Gusty Graas asked the responsible minister about the current wolf prevention policy after a shepherd had recently expressed his dissatisfaction with Luxembourg's wolf policy in a newspaper article.
06 April 2022
How long has it been known that the French hunting test does not meet our standards? Why was it only now that the decision was made not to recognize the French hunting examination? DP MP Guy Arendt asked the competent minister.
04 April 2022
DP MP André Bauler asked the concerned ministre several questions about the tree alleys around the country.
30 March 2022
How is it possible that the Administration of the environment only stopped work on the Ettelbruck railway station after it had already started? Why were the swallow nests only then discovered? DP MP André Bauler asked the competent minister some questions.
How many cases where people simply dispose of their waste in nature have there been in recent years?
30 March 2022
Again and again one sees places in nature where people have disposed of their trash. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have asked how many cases there have been in recent years.
21 February 2022
It seems that a pollution of the Moselle has occurred near the Cattenom nuclear plant. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know further details on this incident from the competent minister.
28 January 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the drinking water sources's quality is and if the new protection zones have already had an impact.
28 January 2022
Following the floods of last July, many people and municipalities have decided to invest in flood protection measures, which are also financially supported by the Water fund. DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked, among other things, how many applications had already been received and how many of them had already been processed.
24 January 2022
DP MP Gusty Graas wanted to know, how it is possible that the state clips hedges on a municipality's grounds without even asking.
24 January 2022
How many fishing lots and syndicates are there in Luxembourg? What is the lots' average length? How many have been removed from lease during the last years? DP MP Gusty Graas asked the competent minister several questions.
19 January 2022
In their preliminary report, the four Member States that are evaluating the extension of the authorization of glyphosate in the EU, conclude that there is no reason to ban the controversial plant protection product. However, the expertise of this preliminary report is being questioned by several parties. DP MP Gusty Graas asked how the Luxembourg government sees things and what it intends to do to...
10 January 2022
In order to get people more involved in climate policy discussions, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the creation of a Citizens' Climate Council in October - he recently presented the details. In his ‘Tribune libre’, the Secretary General of the DP, Claude Lamberty, addresses this unique project in Luxembourg, and emphasizes the importance of an ambitious climate policy, which is also supported...
10 January 2022
As provided for in the water framework directive, a public consultation was organized regarding the third management plan, in which both private individuals and municipalities could submit their comments and opinions. DP MP Gusty Graas asked what the outcome of this consultation was.
05 January 2022
Years ago, the project of a dike in Clervaux was presented to improve flood protection at the entrance of the town. Since the dossier does not really seem to be progressing, DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked if the project is still being realised and if so, what the state of progress is.
02 December 2021
It appears around 100.000 litres of liquid manure ended up in the Nothomb stream around Holtz. DP MP Gusty Graas wanted to know what the origins are and what the consequences are.
23 November 2021
After the July floodings there is still a lot of rubbish in our rivers, including trash that people dispose of there. DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler wanted to know how the river's maintenance is being coordinated and when the rubbish will be cleaned.
16 November 2021
In the wake of the inondations from last July a couple of mobile homes ended up in the Sûre, where they have remained until now. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the responsible minister when they will be taken away.
11 November 2021
Two of our MPs, André Bauler and Gusty Graas, have asked the Minister of Agriculture about the current situation regarding the Japanese beetle in Luxembourg: which crops are the most at risk? How can the spread of the Japanese beetle be prevented and where can the discovery of such a beetle be reported?
10 November 2021
DP MP Guy Arendt asked the ministers how many animals the fox has killed in recent years and how much economic damage has been caused. He also inquired as to the current state of the diseases detected in the tested foxes, and also raised the question whether one should not regulate the fox population again.
11 October 2021
The stink bug is an invasive insect native to Asia that causes many headaches for winegrowers, fruit and vegetable producers. These bugs can indeed cause very serious damage in vines, orchards or vegetable gardens. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the ministers concerned whether these insects had already spread in Luxembourg and whether damage had already been detected in crops.
30 September 2021
With a bonus, the Ministry of the Environment in Thuringia wants to encourage people to have their electrical appliances repaired instead of throwing them away. DP MP Max Hahn therefore asked if this would not be a way to strengthen the circular economy also here in Luxembourg.
24 September 2021
The floods of the summer have hit our country unexpectedly. In comparison to neighboring countries, Luxembourg had the chance that no one was injured. However, dramatic scenes unfolded here as well, and the water caused enormous damage. All of this in addition to a corona crisis which, on its own, is already affecting many people and companies.
08 September 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas point out to the Ministry of the Environment that there are still tree trunks in the Attert river that pose a threat to the SEBES bridge. They are therefore asking the Minister what is being done to counter this risk and whether there are other places along the Attert where fallen trees could lead to jams during floods?
31 August 2021
In parts of Europe, cereal and potato harvests appear to have suffered from the rainy weather in recent weeks. What information have the ministry's services already been able to obtain and what consequences will there be for future harvests. Our MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas made inquiries with the Ministry.
23 August 2021
According to a recent newspaper article, the Ministry of the Environment has proposed to reclassify the entire village of Rindschleiden into a green zone. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were for this and what impact such decisions could have, in particular on possible claims for damages.
19 August 2021
In Rumelange, the CFL wants to destroy a historic railway tunnel, i.e. remove the ground above the tunnel, to modernize the track. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what environmental impact these works had.
29 July 2021
Due to the recent floods, many fish have not been able to swim back into their stream or river. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the concerned minister whether she was already aware of the effects of the recent floods on the national fish stocks and whether the “plan de repeuplement” needed to be adjusted now.
22 July 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have heard that there has been a recent pollution of the Our river near Lieler. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister if she had any further information on this incident.
22 July 2021
Could the installation of polders that capture water masses during floods reduce the risk of flooding in rivers? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister.
21 July 2021
The floods apparently also damaged a number of sewage treatment plants, so that there is a risk of contaminated water flowing into the rivers. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the ministre responsible if this was the case, which sewage treatment plants were affected and what the impact was on the rivers.
19 July 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt have heard that the secretaries of the former hunting syndicates are not allowed to give out the account numbers of forest, meadow and field owners to the new secretaries for data protection reasons. Therefore, they asked the Minister responsible how this problem could be solved.
29 June 2021
Global warming and increasingly frequent droughts have negative consequences for Luxembourg's agricultural land. Agroforestry could be a solution to protect our soils against drought. In this context, DP-MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Agriculture for more information on Agroforestry.
02 June 2021
Promoting soft mobility, giving people more space in public areas, making the city more attractive. Even before the pandemic, a lot of work had been done at the Knuedler, but the crisis certainly helped to speed up the process.
02 June 2021
Our environment has a direct impact on our health in many ways. The Covid pandemic has clearly shown this. Therefore, the DP wants to strengthen the role of environmental medicine and the health policy.
11 May 2021
Large mirrors in space, the scattering of particles in the atmosphere or the creation of artificial clouds to reflect the sun: these are just a few examples of the so-called "geo-engineering" that some scientists want to focus on in order to stop global warming. However, as the consequences of such far-reaching interventions in nature can be unpredictable and even potentially dramatic, DP MPs Gusty...
04 May 2021
The installation of a rainwater system to use rainwater for various purposes is an opportunity to save drinking water, just as drought and heat put groundwater levels under stress. DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the minister responsible how many public buildings are already equipped with such a system and what the plans for the future look like.
07 April 2021
The constant growth of our population goes hand in hand with an increase of waste that local authorities need to dispose of. In this context, the DP deputies Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development if the capacity of the incinerator in Leudelingen and the landfill Muertendall are to be expanded any time soon.
01 April 2021
It is known that foxes often transmit diseases. Now the ministry has warned of distemper detected in foxes. This disease can also be transmitted to dogs. Guy Arendt, member of the DP, asks the ministers concerned how many diseases have been detected in recent years in foxes and how to prevent the spread of these viruses.
24 March 2021
Especially in winter, there are frequent pollutions of the Syr, due to the defrosting of aircraft at Findel. DP MP Gusty Graas asked if there was an analysis of how much the Syr is affected by this and what action is being taken to improve the situation.
23 March 2021
The Mouvement écologique has recently criticized the fact that wildlife damage in Luxembourg is too high and that more hunting needs to be done. DP MP Guy Arendt has some ideas on how to improve the efficiency of hunting and asks the Environment Minister what measures they intend to implement to optimize hunting.
22 March 2021
Forests play an important role in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the dry spells and the high temperatures take an important toll on them. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned minister about the number of applications for subsidies under the "Climate Bonus" program, the extent of the work on the reform of the Aid Catalog and several other measures that...
04 March 2021
The action plan against noise on major highways does not a priori provide for strengthening protection against noise along the A1. However, it has come to the DP MP Carole Hartmann's attention that many people living near the motorway would like additional measures. Therefore, Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister if other measures were possible.
24 February 2021
The spinycheek crayfish and the signal crayfish are two invasive species that have been spreading throughout Europe for many years - with a devastating impact on local ecosystems. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the concerned minister whether the measures proposed in the action plan had so far been successful, how many of these animals have been caught or fished in recent years...
22 February 2021
What has been the evolution of the lake's water levels in recent years? What is the condition of the dam wall? The deputy of the DP André Bauler addressed several questions to the competent ministers.
17 February 2021
The government announced a pilot project last summer to support the drone rescue of fawns from combine harvesters. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas wanted more information on this pilot project.
10 February 2021
The president of the hunter's federation motivated his resignation by the lack of constructive collaboration and a "contempt" ("Missachten") on the part of the Minister of the Environment vis-à-vis hunters. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Gusty Graas wanted to know the minister's reaction to these allegations and how the current situation is planned to be resolved.
02 February 2021
In a recent interview, the President of the Chamber of Agriculture regrets that no follow-up has been given to an analysis on the high concentration of phosphate in the water of the Haute-Sûre dam lake submitted to the Minister of the environment. This is why the deputy of the DP Gusty Graas asked for explanations on this subject from the minister in question.
28 January 2021
A possible first presence of the golden jackal in Luxembourg was detected recently. This is why the deputies of the DP André Bauler and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent minister what will be the impact of this new species on the native fauna and what is the general state in the fight against invasive alien species.
12 January 2021
The government has decided in its current coalition agreement that it will support the recognition of ecocide as a crime. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent ministers what Luxembourg's efforts have been so far in this direction.
12 January 2021
The possibility of using water from the Moselle to irrigate young vines in times of extreme heat and drought already exists in Luxembourg, one only needs an authorization. However, few winegrowers take advantage of it, while the president of independent winegrowers is arguing for more use. What are the reasons for this? Should more information be provided on this possibility, or should the administrative...
26 November 2020
The Ministry of Environment considers hunting as a "recreational activity" and therefore bans driven hunting until the 15th December. DP MP Guy Arendt asked the Minister which legislative text she was referring to in order to classify hunting accordingly. According to the MP, the hunt is not explicitly covered by the new Covid law and one should still be able to hunt with the necessary distance and...