Promotion of Luxembourgish products by state-owned companies?

As it was reported to the DP MPs Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann, Luxair would no longer serve Luxembourgish crémant, but French champagne on their flights. For this reason, the two Eastern MPs wanted to know from the responsible ministers what the reasons are and whether it would not be appropriate to promote Luxembourgish products through Luxembourg state-owned companies.

« Et ass ons zougedroe ginn, dass d’Luxair, bei där de Lëtzebuerger Staat ëmmerhin Haaptaktionär ass, op hire Flich franséische Schampes zerwéiert, a méi genee eng « Cuvée spéciale Luxair ».

An deem Kader wollte mir dem Här Minister fir Mobilitéit an ëffentlech Aarbechten an dem Här Minister fir Landwirtschaft, Wäibau a ländlech Entwécklung folgend Froe stellen:

– Kënnen déi Häre Ministeren dës Informatioun bestätegen ?

– Wa jo, no wat fir Krittäre gouf d’Entscheedung geholl, kee Lëtzebuerger Cremant méi u Bord ze zerwéieren ?

– Ass virgesinn, an Zukunft mat enger oder méi Lëtzebuerger Kellereien zesummen ze schaffe fir lëtzebuergesche Cremant a Lëtzebuerger Wäin ze zerwéieren ?

– Sinn déi Häre Ministeren der Meenung, dass et sënnvoll wier lëtzebuergesch Produiten iwwer Firmen, un deenen de Staat Participatiounen hält, méi staark ze fërderen ? »

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Strengthening the rights of pregnant self-employed workers

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DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Mandy Minella have asked the relevant ministers whether paid dispensation from work or an equivalent mechanism will be introduced for pregnant self-employed workers.


Is a pharmacy coming to Bettendorf?

In 2023, the then Minister of Health rejected the installation of a pharmacy in Bettendorf. As the population in the region around Bettendorf continues to grow, DP MP André Bauler has asked the new Minister of Health whether she would reconsider her predecessor’s decision. Has the Minister of Health possibly already been contacted by the municipality of Bettendorf and could other municipalities get a new pharmacy?


Introduction of skin cancer screening?

Since 2008, skin cancer screening has been available in Germany for all policyholders aged 35 and over. As a result, many cases of skin cancer are detected earlier.
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister for Health how skin cancer figures have developed here in the country since 2013, whether such screening would also be useful in Luxembourg and why only figures for melanoma (black skin cancer) are collected.