Potential in the defense industry

Given the geopolitical situation, investments in defense have become a top priority. DP MP André Bauler has inquired about which national companies are already active in the defense sector and where further potential lies.

„ De Krich an der Ukrain dauert elo schonn dräi Joer an déi geopolitesch  Situatioun spëtzt sech ëmmer méi zou. Spéitstens elo muss jidderengem kloer sinn, dass spierbar méi an d’Verdeedegung investéiert muss ginn – souwuel op EU-Niveau wéi och hei zu Lëtzebuerg. An dësem Kontext setzt Lëtzebuerg op eng Dual-Use-Strategie, fir sécherzestellen, datt d’wirtschaftlech Retombéeë vun dësen Ausgaben och hei am Land ze spiere sinn.

An deem Kader wollte mir dem Här Minister fir Ekonomie, Mëttelstand, Energie an Tourismus follgend Froe stellen:

  • A wat fir engem Mooss droe mir mat eiser nationaler Industrie zur Rüstungsproduktioun bäi?
  • A wéi enge Secteure gesäit den Här Minister Potenzial, fir an der Rüstungsindustrie aktiv ze ginn a vläicht och weider Betriber op Lëtzebuerg unzezéien?
  • Ginn et zu Lëtzebuerger Betriber, déi elo schonn och d’Rüstungsindustrie an Europa beliwweren, z.B. mat Tëscheprodukter? Falls jo, aus wéi enge Branchë kommen dës Firmen?“

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More parliamentary questions

Are our hospitals prepared for cyberattacks?

Cyber attacks on hospitals are not uncommon in Europe. For this reason, the EU has launched an action plan to improve cyber security in the healthcare sector. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health how often hospitals in this country have been the target of cyber attacks, how well hospitals have reacted in simulation exercises and what recommendations have been developed.


What is the state of dental health in Luxembourg?

A German study shows that caries problems have fallen sharply over the last few decades. Periodontitis, on the other hand, is still a popular disease. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister for Health what the situation was in Luxembourg, whether the prevention policy needed to be adapted and how the number of dentists in the country was developing.


Optimization of the development of economic activity zones.

Recently, the Minister of Economy announced the pilot projects ‘Triangle Vert’ and ‘Salzbaach’ to optimize the development of economic activity zones. Our MP André Bauler has inquired about the initial conclusions that can be drawn in this context and whether new economic activity zones are planned in Luxembourg.