New President of the International Committee

Born in Olesno, Poland, Artur speaks seven languages. Nine years ago he founded the Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce. At Maison Moderne he is in charge of the Paperjam + Delano Club. He enjoys spending time with his two children, reading, running, and discovering new countries and cultures.

Why did you choose DP?

Growing up in a communist country, I was fed up with the system. I have always been in favour of democracy, liberty, and freedom of thought. Those values are strong guiding principles of Luxembourg’s DP.

How can we raise expats’ interest for politics in Luxembourg? 

Having spent 15 years in Germany before moving to Luxembourg, I learned to value political participation. It allows you to discover a society and to become part of it. It enables you to understand the real interests, motivation, and the way of thinking of the local population.

What is your vision of Europe? 

To raise their interest, we have to show expats this is what politics is about. I feel truly European as I have lived in three European countries and gained citizenship of the countries I moved to: Germany and Luxembourg. United Europe is our future. That is why I am involved in DP International as we are also representing the future of Luxembourg: Openness, involvement, and integration. I love Europe.

What are your ambitions as new President of the International Committee? 

In Luxembourg nearly half of the residents are foreigners – tendency increasing. They should become a stronger part of our society. But how? Despite the language barrier they have ideas, opinions, and they want to move our country forward. To do so they need a voice. At the Comité International we aspire to channel this voice.



Weider News

ITM-Kontrollen am Secteur vun der Restauratioun

D’ITM gesäit d’Ënnerstëtzung vu Betriber an d’Preventioun als hir Prioritéiten un. Am Secteur vun der Restauratioun schéngt awer den direkten Asaz vu Sanktiounen no enger Kontroll éischter d’Reegel an net d’Ausnam ze sinn. An deem Kontext wollten d’DP-Deputéiert Corinne Cahen a Carole Hartmann vum Aarbechtsminister ënnert anerem wëssen, wéi vill Kontrollen am Secteur vun der Restauratioun an de leschte 5 Joer duerchgefouert, wéi vill Sanktiounen direkt no enger Kontroll prononcéiert a wéi vill Sanktioune reduzéiert oder zeréckgezu goufen.


Mir musse lėieren, mat der KI ëmzegoen

An der Tribune Libre vun der DP geet d’Deputėiert a Budgetsrapportrice Corinne Cahen op d’Mėiglechkeeten an d’Erausfuerderunge vun der Kënschtlecher Intelligenz (KI) an, op dėi sech Lëtzebuerg upassen a preparėiere muss.


Op der Nordstrooss muss et elo virugoen!

An der Tribune Libre vun der DP insistéiert den Nord-Deputéierten André Bauler dorobber, datt déi politesch Akzenter fir den Ausbau an d’Moderniséierung vun der Nordstrooss kloer an däitlech gesat gi sinn. Déi Decisioune missten elo och um Terrain ëmgesat ginn.
