
More pharmacies in Luxembourg in the future?

Population growth is increasing demands in a number of different areas. The supply of medicines and related products is one of these. Against this background, our MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health, among other questions, if an increase in the pharmacy quota is planned for this decade.

« Il va sans dire que la croissance démographique de ces dernières années fait croître les demandes sur les plans les plus divers. Ainsi le nombre de pharmacies a été révisé à la hausse depuis le début du siècle afin de faire face aux demandes de la population en matière d’approvisionnement en médicaments et produits assimilés. Voilà pourquoi nous aimerions poser les questions suivantes à Madame la Ministre de la Santé :

  • Quel est le nombre de pharmacies qui exercent actuellement au Luxembourg ?
  • Est-il prévu d’augmenter le contingent des pharmacies au cours de cette décennie ?
  • Dans l’affirmative, quel sera le nombre programmé par le ministère de la Santé ?
  • Quels sont les critères retenus pour décider de l’implantation d’une officine en une région déterminée ?
  • Dans quels cantons ou communes du pays le ministère prévoit-il d’établir une ou plusieurs nouvelles pharmacies ? »

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More parliamentary questions

Strengthening the rights of pregnant self-employed workers

Pregnant employees can apply for dispensation from work before their maternity leave, for example if they are unable to work for health reasons. The self-employed do not have this option, which can have a negative impact on the recalculation of their maternity benefits.
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Mandy Minella have asked the relevant ministers whether paid dispensation from work or an equivalent mechanism will be introduced for pregnant self-employed workers.


Is a pharmacy coming to Bettendorf?

In 2023, the then Minister of Health rejected the installation of a pharmacy in Bettendorf. As the population in the region around Bettendorf continues to grow, DP MP André Bauler has asked the new Minister of Health whether she would reconsider her predecessor’s decision. Has the Minister of Health possibly already been contacted by the municipality of Bettendorf and could other municipalities get a new pharmacy?


Introduction of skin cancer screening?

Since 2008, skin cancer screening has been available in Germany for all policyholders aged 35 and over. As a result, many cases of skin cancer are detected earlier.
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister for Health how skin cancer figures have developed here in the country since 2013, whether such screening would also be useful in Luxembourg and why only figures for melanoma (black skin cancer) are collected.