31 March 2023
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have heard that no subsidy for a heat pump has been paid out by the ministry yet, because there is almost no heat pump on the market that meets the set noise limit values. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister whether this is true and according to which criteria the limit values were defined.
23 March 2023
DP MPs Max Hahn and Frank Colabianchi wanted to know from the responsible minister how work on the national cycling path PC35 is progressing.
22 March 2023
After more than 10 years, with the tracks being closed at the level of PN7 between Leudelange and Merl, the work for an underpass should start soon. Since this underpass will be closed to car traffic, the DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know if the expenses were still justified.
21 March 2023
As it was recently reported in the press, the mayor of Cattenom submitted his municipality's candidacy for new reactors to be built there. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the government's position on this matter is, and whether there are projects in the field of renewable energies with France to encourage our neighbors to close Cattenom.
10 March 2023
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty heard that there are still problems with the Mobibus, after they had already asked the relevant minister a question on the subject in September.
10 March 2023
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty wanted to know how the government plans to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects.
10 February 2023
Against the background of the staff shortage in the health professions, the DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked if it would not be an idea to recognize the German qualification of "emergency paramedics" in Luxembourg, whereby more people from the border area would be available for employment. In addition, they wanted to know where the work on SAP3 was.
26 January 2023
The French agency for nuclear safety ASN recently found that EDF's controls of the spare parts for the nuclear power plant in Cattenom were not thorough enough. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked whether other controls of EDF would not have to be repeated now.
20 December 2022
Since the start procedure for planes flying south was changed during the pandemic, the agglomerations east of Findel are exposed to stronger noise pollution. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn asked what was being done against it.
10 October 2022
On this week’s Tribune Libre programme on the radio, our MP and future budget rapporteur, Max Hahn talked about the historic draft bill on the state budget 2023.
03 October 2022
According to a decision of the EU Parliament, the proportion of primary wood used for energy production should gradually decrease. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the impact on the production and price of wood pellets will be.
27 September 2022
The problem of the lack of construction debris dumps in Luxembourg has been known for a long time. The consequences are long journeys for the trucks, an increased burden on the environment, and higher costs for the end customers. Are there plans for the future and how can the situation be controlled? Our MP Max Hahn inquired with the relevant ministry.
26 September 2022
Since there seem to be problems with the Mobibus, which is the transport service for people with special needs, DP MP Max Hahn asked what is being done to improve the situation.
09 September 2022
The DP MP Max Hahn asked the relevant minister where the work on the "Plan de délestage", which should define which actors must reduce their activity how much and in what order in the event of a gas cut, is progressing and by when it should be completed.
08 September 2022
In France, there is an IT platform that shows the current consumption on the electricity network, so that people can adjust their consumption accordingly. In Luxembourg, the law provides for the creation of a "platforme informatique nationale de données énergétiques". DP MP Max Hahn asked how the work on that platform is going and what it should look like.
01 September 2022
In Ireland, people who live next to wind turbines will receive compensation, and a similar system is planned in France. In this way, the resistance to such projects should be reduced and the development of renewable energies should be promoted. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if such a model would not also be an idea in Luxembourg.
29 August 2022
According to studies by the University of Liège, large offshore wind farms in front of Greenland could cover a large part of European energy consumption. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked whether there are already concrete projects and whether Luxembourg intends to invest in them.
29 August 2022
Recently, further gas reserves have been found off the Cypriot coast. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the relevant minister whether these reserves could contribute to becoming more independent of Russian imports.
17 August 2022
The emergency telephones make it possible to contact the necessary services and request help in the event of an accident on the motorway. Today, however, more and more people are using their own mobile phones. How much are these emergency call stations still used and how much does it cost to maintain them? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministry.
08 August 2022
How much gas did the individual categories of consumers expend over the last few years in Luxembourg? How does the Minister for Energy intend to determine the distribution of gas in the event of a gas bottleneck? Our MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked the Minister for Energy these questions.
29 July 2022
The latest report of the IPBES showed how strongly humanity is dependent on wild animals and plants. Before the COP15 in Canada on biodiversity, DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what conclusions the government draws from that report for Luxembourg.
21 July 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
20 July 2022
In addition to solar panels, small wind turbines are a good way to produce your own electricity at home. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked whether this is allowed and whether the state also provides subsidies for smaller wind turbines.
20 July 2022
The government announced last autumn that it would simplify the procedures to speed up the development of renewable energy, and especially wind turbines. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty therefore asked how this should happen.
20 July 2022
Due to the heat this summer, trains could no longer run on various routes in England, among other places, because the tracks had deformed. DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked if this had already happened in Luxembourg and what was being done to avoid this.
20 July 2022
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the Environment Minister what the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021 is.
19 July 2022
By 2050, the EU wants to use 20% of the agricultural land for biomass and quadruple the import of timber to produce energy. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the government's position on these plans was.
30 June 2022
The situation of prison guards isn’t an easy one. Verbal attacks are part of their everyday life, and physical attacks and serious threats are also becoming more common. How are prison staff protected? How many attacks have there been in recent years? And how can the guards protect themselves from threats? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministers.
29 June 2022
In Luxembourg, workers are entitled to a whole range of leaves. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn wanted to know from the Minister of Labour for how many days on average the different leaves were applied for in the last five years and whether women and men apply for the leaves differently.
28 June 2022
The mobility minister recently announced the creation of a platform similar to Uber's. DP MP Max Hahn asked what the platform should look like and when it should be operational.
22 June 2022
With the arrival of summer comes the season of excursions to the lakes. Unfortunately, with each swimming season, there is also the news regarding accidents in- and outside of the water. How safe are the local lakes for the guests? Are there enough safety guards and pool attendents in the country? How are people being protected in and around the local waters? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have...
15 June 2022
The paint job on the Red Bridge should have been completed in the spring of last year, after it had been interrupted because the company had gone bankrupt. DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked where the works are and when they should be completed.
09 June 2022
After the Minister of Mobility announced at a press conference that track radars will be installed in all the tunnels of the A7 motorway, DP MP Max Hahn wanted to know when this is planned to happen and what the cost would be.
02 June 2022
Since 2018, the use of medicinal cannabis is allowed in Luxembourg and helps, among others, patients with chronic pain. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether medical cannabis should also be used to treat other diseases and whether medical cannabis could also be sold in pharmacies outside the hospital in the future.
23 May 2022
In Trier and Mainz, police have launched a pilot project of a mobile phone radar. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if this radar could not be used in Luxembourg as well.
12 May 2022
MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have been informed that there are currently difficulties in Ettelbrück with the staff to provide the ambulance service. In this context, the two politicians asked the Ministry of the Interior, among other things, about the availability of volunteers.
10 May 2022
In Germany, a car manufacturer was recently given permission to use its system of automated driving in road traffic under specific conditions. DP MP Max Hahn asked if this system was also authorised in Luxembourg and how the government wants to deal with these technological developments.
06 May 2022
What effect does the current price increase have on the number of passengers on public transport? DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible for the matter.
06 May 2022
DP MP Max Hahn heard that the tram was completely overcrowded during rush hour. In this context, he wanted to know what is planned to improve the situation.
06 May 2022
the raccoon is an invasive species that seems to be spreading more and more in Luxembourg. Contacts with people seem to multiply as of recently. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn therefore asked how the population was developing and whether measures to regulate the population were effective.
29 April 2022
In Belgium, the debate over the disposal of nuclear waste is entering a new phase. The geological storage seems to be decided thing. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible what the position of the Luxembourg government was and how it was involved in the decision-making process.
04 April 2022
The DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas have heard that the hospital in Kirchberg sometimes rejected patients brought to the emergency room by ambulance during the "small watch". In a parliamentary question, they therefore wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether this was true and if so, what was being done to prevent such cases.
30 March 2022
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn have heard that the project of the new P&R in Wasserbillig near the CFL train station, due to, among others, the price explosion of the material, has temporarily been stopped, and will be re-planned. For this reason, they asked the Minister responsible for further details.
30 March 2022
The Ministry of Mobility announced the creation of a bi-directional bus lane in two parts of the country, on which the bus can travel in the morning in one direction and in the evening in the other direction. DP MP Max Hahn asked how the two projects are progressing.
How many cases where people simply dispose of their waste in nature have there been in recent years?
30 March 2022
Again and again one sees places in nature where people have disposed of their trash. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have asked how many cases there have been in recent years.
24 February 2022
Only 16% of the eligible households make a demand for the rent subsidy. Why is that? DP MP Max Hahn asked the competent minister.
24 February 2022
Modular constructions on rented building land could quickly create additional housing. DP MP Max Hahn asked how this model is currently being implemented and how it could be further promoted.
24 February 2022
In Luxembourg there are 5018 hectares of undeveloped land within the perimeter, of which 3750 hectares are in a residential or mixed zone. How many of these plots could be developed directly? And for how many a PAP needs to be voted first? DP MP Max Hahn asked the responsible minister some questions.
21 February 2022
It seems that a pollution of the Moselle has occurred near the Cattenom nuclear plant. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know further details on this incident from the competent minister.
11 February 2022
The law of December 2020 made it easier to request a change of name or surname. How many people have changed their names in 2021 and what are general reasons for these requests? Our MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann inquired at the ministry.
31 January 2022
The audiophonological service provides early detection of language deficits in children aged 30 months. DP MPs Max Hahn, Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health questions about participation and current problems in making appointments.
28 January 2022
Following the floods of last July, many people and municipalities have decided to invest in flood protection measures, which are also financially supported by the Water fund. DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked, among other things, how many applications had already been received and how many of them had already been processed.
24 January 2022
MP Max Hahn asked the Minister of Interior, among other things, about the calculation of the social aid.
21 January 2022
As part of the CGDIS, the Psychological Support Group steps in when there are accidents, disasters or other incidents. Where have the volunteer teams been deployed recently, how many volunteers are currently committed in the teams and has the Covid crisis aggravated the situation for the teams over the past years? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministry for clarifi...
11 January 2022
Work is underway in Dortmund, among others, on a system for charging electric cars at streetlights. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if this was not an idea to implement in Luxembourg as well.
14 December 2021
Intentional damage often results in unnecessary costs, and money needs to be used which could also have been used for positive purposes. In Luxembourg, too, we are not free from vandalism - but where does it occur most, and what costs does it entail? Our MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty inquired at the Ministry.
08 December 2021
Leaves, mud or other debris on the bike paths pose a safety risk for cyclists in winter. DP MP Max Hahn therefore asked about the maintenance of the state bike lanes.
18 November 2021
During the winter months visibility is most important for pedestrians and cyclists to avoid accidents. While the government organised a awareness raising campaign the last years in this regard, there seems to be none this year, which is why the DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler wanted to know what are the reasons for this.
25 October 2021
In his Tribune Libre on the radio this week, Max Hahn spoke about the government's additional measures against the lack of affordable housing.
30 September 2021
With a bonus, the Ministry of the Environment in Thuringia wants to encourage people to have their electrical appliances repaired instead of throwing them away. DP MP Max Hahn therefore asked if this would not be a way to strengthen the circular economy also here in Luxembourg.
27 September 2021
Again and again we hear that the mandatory archaeological assessment requires a lot of time and that the procedures thus contribute to the long waiting times for construction projects. DP Members of Parliament Max Hahn and André Bauler have therefore asked whether this is the case and what can be done to change that situation.
24 September 2021
Thirteen years after the first Housing Pact, the Chamber of Deputies recently voted in favour of Housing Pact 2.0
19 August 2021
In Rumelange, the CFL wants to destroy a historic railway tunnel, i.e. remove the ground above the tunnel, to modernize the track. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what environmental impact these works had.
12 August 2021
In the Netherlands, a pilot project was launched a few years ago, in which the markings on the motorway were applied using fluorescent colors to improve road safety. What is the conclusion of this project? Would this also be an idea for implementation in Luxembourg? DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn have asked the minister for information.
12 August 2021
The coalition agreement provides that vacant areas along the motorways and railway tracks could be used to install solar pannels. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn have asked what concrete projects there are so far.
07 July 2021
Would radars at track crossings be an idea to be able to avoid accidents like the one that recently happened in Bertrange? In Germany, there are already such devices in various places that warn the train when something is on the tracks. The DP MP Max Hahn has asked the responsible minister about this idea and also wanted to know how the CFL is progressing with the replacement of the railway barriers...
29 June 2021
Defibrillators and first aid kits can save lives, as the recent case of Danish footballer Christian Eriksen has shown once again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann, Claude Lamberty, and Max Hahn wanted to know from the respective Ministries what is the plan to install more defibrillators in public areas.
17 June 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible if there will be delays in the delivery of the new trains for the CFL due to the pandemic.
16 June 2021
A new EU regulation allows Member States to use carbon capture, use and storage technologies to meet their climate goals, particularly in industrial processes where emissions are difficult to avoid. In concrete terms this means that companies can capture their emissions and e.g. storage them geologically. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what was the position of Luxembourg, which Member States...
08 June 2021
In preparation for the COP26 at the end of this year in Glasgow, negotiations are currently ongoing at the international level to prepare a possible agreement. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know more about the content and progress of these negotiations from the responsible ministre.
26 May 2021
According to the director of the Luxembourg logistics cluster, 25-meter trucks would be an option to reduce the sector's emissions. In general, however, the transport sector risks not reaching its climate goals. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas have asked the relevant ministers if Gigaliner could be allowed in Luxembourg in the future and what considerations are there to help the sector in the climate...
11 May 2021
Large mirrors in space, the scattering of particles in the atmosphere or the creation of artificial clouds to reflect the sun: these are just a few examples of the so-called "geo-engineering" that some scientists want to focus on in order to stop global warming. However, as the consequences of such far-reaching interventions in nature can be unpredictable and even potentially dramatic, DP MPs Gusty...
07 May 2021
In Germany, tularemia is still spreading. This infectious disease can also be transmitted to humans. Are there any cases of sick animals in Luxembourg at the moment? Where are the risks and for whom? Are hunters and farmers informed about the situation? What measures are in place to prevent a spread in the Grand Duchy? Deputies Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the ministry about the matter.
04 May 2021
The installation of a rainwater system to use rainwater for various purposes is an opportunity to save drinking water, just as drought and heat put groundwater levels under stress. DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the minister responsible how many public buildings are already equipped with such a system and what the plans for the future look like.
02 April 2021
Operations on intersex children are not uncommon. Intersexuality is often seen as a medical problem that needs to be addressed. Regardless of whether these children are healthy, they are being refused a choice that they should have been able to make a later date. In Germany, a law is currently being discussed prohibiting this practice and aiming to strengthen intersex children in their self-determination....
02 April 2021
A miscarriage is a horrible moment for any parent. An end to a new life, before it even began. In New Zealand, a law has been passed to allow parents to take extra leave in this case. They should be given time to mourn their loss. Deputies Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked if such an extra leave is also planned in Luxembourg.
26 March 2021
After last year's success, DP MP Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned ministers, what is the plan for this year.
22 March 2021
Forests play an important role in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the dry spells and the high temperatures take an important toll on them. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned minister about the number of applications for subsidies under the "Climate Bonus" program, the extent of the work on the reform of the Aid Catalog and several other measures that...
15 March 2021
In a recent statement, the Ecological Movement and the Luxembourg young farmers and rural youth demand that PV plants be installed as a priority on buildings or other already used areas, and as little as possible on the ground, so as to limit further soil sealing. DP members Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the relevant ministers how they feel about this and how big the area is in Luxembourg that is...
11 March 2021
What is the role of technologies that filter carbon dioxide from the air in the context of climate protection? The Chamber of Deputies addressed this question in a debate.
01 March 2021
Many cyclists have a flashing light on their bikes in order to be more visible on the road and to feel safer. The Minister of Mobility wishing to ban such lights, the deputies of the DP Max Hahn and André Bauler asked on the basis of what data the decision had been taken and whether the cycling interest groups had been consulted.
17 February 2021
The government announced a pilot project last summer to support the drone rescue of fawns from combine harvesters. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas wanted more information on this pilot project.
15 February 2021
The First Responder plays a key role in supporting people in a life-threatening emergency and ensuring the transmission of important information to the fire station until the emergency services arrive at the scene of the accident. In his parliamentary question, Max Hahn asked how the First Responder has developed within the CGDIS over the past two years.
15 February 2021
Recently, many municipalities across the country have launched a mobile application that allows you to consult the public transport timetables in the respective municipalities, as well as the waste and events calendar. In their parliamentary question, the deputies Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible minister why train timetables cannot be integrated currently into these applications...
12 February 2021
There are already housing projects in CFL passenger buildings. But what is the potential across the country? Are there other projects planned? DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn requested further information from the relevant minister.
11 February 2021
The "multimodal model and cross-border mobility scenarios" project analyzes traffic flows to improve the organization of mobility in the Greater Region. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn inquired with the competent minister on the state of progress of the project and on the possible first results.
11 February 2021
Germany is considering permitting autonomous driving on certain roads in the midst of normal traffic in the near future. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent minister how far Luxembourg is in this regard?
01 February 2021
It has come to the attention of the DP's MP Max Hahn that apparently CFL Cargo lost at least one major customer during the pandemic, since freight transport by road is currently more interesting than rail transport. This is why he wanted to know from the competent minister if this is the case and what measures the government intends to take to curb this trend.
01 February 2021
The coalition agreement provides for the modernisation of the CITA and the development of an IT strategy for the road administration in order to better manage traffic flows and improve information for drivers. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn inquired with the competent minister on the progress of the related work.
29 January 2021
Distraction through the use of mobile phones while driving is increasingly a risk factor in road traffic. In other countries, radars or even drones are used to fight against the use of mobile phones while driving. DP MP Max Hahn inquired of the competent ministers about Luxembourg's plans in this regard.
29 January 2021
The French environmental authority raised many criticisms in its opinion from January 13th on the proposed nuclear waste storage center in Bure. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the competent ministers, whether they were aware of what action the French authorities intend to take on this opinion, and whether there are regular exchanges between France and Luxembourg on this topic.
29 January 2021
In a recent press article, the Minister of Energy raised the enormous energy potential that the some 100 hectares of parking areas in Luxembourg would represent if they were covered with structures and solar panels were installed on top. This is why the deputy of the DP Max Hahn wanted to know from the minister how he intends to mobilize this potential.
28 January 2021
A possible first presence of the golden jackal in Luxembourg was detected recently. This is why the deputies of the DP André Bauler and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent minister what will be the impact of this new species on the native fauna and what is the general state in the fight against invasive alien species.
28 January 2021
The coalition agreement provides for the development of a “national parking and park-and-ride strategy (P&R)”. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn inquired with the competent minister on the state of the development of this document.
13 January 2021
It has come to attention of the deputies of the DP Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn that many people wait several months for the payment of the premium for sustainable mobility. This is why they have inquired with the competent minister to find out what are the reasons for this and what is being done to speed up the procedure.
12 January 2021
The government has decided in its current coalition agreement that it will support the recognition of ecocide as a crime. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent ministers what Luxembourg's efforts have been so far in this direction.
28 November 2020
At the end of September 2017, the government presented a pilot project in which the "Fonds de compensation (FDC)" was encouraged to increase its commitment to the creation of affordable rental housing. The DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister in question about the progress of the project in Grevenmacher and about the efforts made by the FDC since autumn 2017 to create affordable rental...
26 November 2020
Due to the volatility of solar and wind energy energy storage is a central element of the energy transition towards 100% renewable energy. Max Hahn, DP MP, has therefore asked the responsible minister what Luxembourg's strategy is in this regard in order to guarantee security of supply in the future.
24 November 2020
The "Plans d'aménagement particulier (PAP)" play an important role when it comes to creating housing. Accordingly, DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked how many PAPs are currently being realised and how many newly built (affordable) housing units can be expected.
23 November 2020
At the moment it is common practice for most real estate constructors to show prices calculated on the basis of the reduced VAT rate of 3%. However, this poses a risk to consumers. In 2019, the Minister for Consumer Protection and the Minister for Housing announced that they would consider standardising the listed prices. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked what conclusions had been drawn in this...
11 November 2020
Since April, masks have been compulsory in public transport. The DP MP Max Hahn wanted to know from the responsible minister whether compliance with this rule is controlled and what is the result of these controls.
11 November 2020
For two years now, the state has been covering the costs of textbooks for secondary school students. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn asked the Minister of Education how much the financial relief for the households was.
06 November 2020
DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the responsible minister under which criteria the SNHBM buys real estate and why various plots of land and buildings have not yet been valorised.
16 June 2020
Apparently, only a small part would be missing, then the PC35 bike path could be completed. This would create a continuous bicycle connection from the Sanem and Bascharage area, over the communes of Dippach and Bertrange to Mamer and Luxembourg city. DP MPs Max Hahn and Frank Colabianchi asked the minister responsible for when these works could be completed.
31 March 2023
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have heard that no subsidy for a heat pump has been paid out by the ministry yet, because there is almost no heat pump on the market that meets the set noise limit values. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister whether this is true and according to which criteria the limit values were defined.
23 March 2023
DP MPs Max Hahn and Frank Colabianchi wanted to know from the responsible minister how work on the national cycling path PC35 is progressing.
22 March 2023
After more than 10 years, with the tracks being closed at the level of PN7 between Leudelange and Merl, the work for an underpass should start soon. Since this underpass will be closed to car traffic, the DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know if the expenses were still justified.
21 March 2023
As it was recently reported in the press, the mayor of Cattenom submitted his municipality's candidacy for new reactors to be built there. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the government's position on this matter is, and whether there are projects in the field of renewable energies with France to encourage our neighbors to close Cattenom.
10 March 2023
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty heard that there are still problems with the Mobibus, after they had already asked the relevant minister a question on the subject in September.
10 March 2023
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty wanted to know how the government plans to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects.
10 February 2023
Against the background of the staff shortage in the health professions, the DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked if it would not be an idea to recognize the German qualification of "emergency paramedics" in Luxembourg, whereby more people from the border area would be available for employment. In addition, they wanted to know where the work on SAP3 was.
26 January 2023
The French agency for nuclear safety ASN recently found that EDF's controls of the spare parts for the nuclear power plant in Cattenom were not thorough enough. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked whether other controls of EDF would not have to be repeated now.
20 December 2022
Since the start procedure for planes flying south was changed during the pandemic, the agglomerations east of Findel are exposed to stronger noise pollution. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn asked what was being done against it.
10 October 2022
On this week’s Tribune Libre programme on the radio, our MP and future budget rapporteur, Max Hahn talked about the historic draft bill on the state budget 2023.
03 October 2022
According to a decision of the EU Parliament, the proportion of primary wood used for energy production should gradually decrease. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the impact on the production and price of wood pellets will be.
27 September 2022
The problem of the lack of construction debris dumps in Luxembourg has been known for a long time. The consequences are long journeys for the trucks, an increased burden on the environment, and higher costs for the end customers. Are there plans for the future and how can the situation be controlled? Our MP Max Hahn inquired with the relevant ministry.
26 September 2022
Since there seem to be problems with the Mobibus, which is the transport service for people with special needs, DP MP Max Hahn asked what is being done to improve the situation.
09 September 2022
The DP MP Max Hahn asked the relevant minister where the work on the "Plan de délestage", which should define which actors must reduce their activity how much and in what order in the event of a gas cut, is progressing and by when it should be completed.
08 September 2022
In France, there is an IT platform that shows the current consumption on the electricity network, so that people can adjust their consumption accordingly. In Luxembourg, the law provides for the creation of a "platforme informatique nationale de données énergétiques". DP MP Max Hahn asked how the work on that platform is going and what it should look like.
01 September 2022
In Ireland, people who live next to wind turbines will receive compensation, and a similar system is planned in France. In this way, the resistance to such projects should be reduced and the development of renewable energies should be promoted. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if such a model would not also be an idea in Luxembourg.
29 August 2022
According to studies by the University of Liège, large offshore wind farms in front of Greenland could cover a large part of European energy consumption. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked whether there are already concrete projects and whether Luxembourg intends to invest in them.
29 August 2022
Recently, further gas reserves have been found off the Cypriot coast. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the relevant minister whether these reserves could contribute to becoming more independent of Russian imports.
17 August 2022
The emergency telephones make it possible to contact the necessary services and request help in the event of an accident on the motorway. Today, however, more and more people are using their own mobile phones. How much are these emergency call stations still used and how much does it cost to maintain them? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministry.
08 August 2022
How much gas did the individual categories of consumers expend over the last few years in Luxembourg? How does the Minister for Energy intend to determine the distribution of gas in the event of a gas bottleneck? Our MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked the Minister for Energy these questions.
29 July 2022
The latest report of the IPBES showed how strongly humanity is dependent on wild animals and plants. Before the COP15 in Canada on biodiversity, DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what conclusions the government draws from that report for Luxembourg.
21 July 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
20 July 2022
In addition to solar panels, small wind turbines are a good way to produce your own electricity at home. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked whether this is allowed and whether the state also provides subsidies for smaller wind turbines.
20 July 2022
The government announced last autumn that it would simplify the procedures to speed up the development of renewable energy, and especially wind turbines. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty therefore asked how this should happen.
20 July 2022
Due to the heat this summer, trains could no longer run on various routes in England, among other places, because the tracks had deformed. DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked if this had already happened in Luxembourg and what was being done to avoid this.
20 July 2022
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the Environment Minister what the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021 is.
19 July 2022
By 2050, the EU wants to use 20% of the agricultural land for biomass and quadruple the import of timber to produce energy. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the government's position on these plans was.
30 June 2022
The situation of prison guards isn’t an easy one. Verbal attacks are part of their everyday life, and physical attacks and serious threats are also becoming more common. How are prison staff protected? How many attacks have there been in recent years? And how can the guards protect themselves from threats? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministers.
29 June 2022
In Luxembourg, workers are entitled to a whole range of leaves. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn wanted to know from the Minister of Labour for how many days on average the different leaves were applied for in the last five years and whether women and men apply for the leaves differently.
28 June 2022
The mobility minister recently announced the creation of a platform similar to Uber's. DP MP Max Hahn asked what the platform should look like and when it should be operational.
22 June 2022
With the arrival of summer comes the season of excursions to the lakes. Unfortunately, with each swimming season, there is also the news regarding accidents in- and outside of the water. How safe are the local lakes for the guests? Are there enough safety guards and pool attendents in the country? How are people being protected in and around the local waters? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have...
15 June 2022
The paint job on the Red Bridge should have been completed in the spring of last year, after it had been interrupted because the company had gone bankrupt. DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked where the works are and when they should be completed.
09 June 2022
After the Minister of Mobility announced at a press conference that track radars will be installed in all the tunnels of the A7 motorway, DP MP Max Hahn wanted to know when this is planned to happen and what the cost would be.
02 June 2022
Since 2018, the use of medicinal cannabis is allowed in Luxembourg and helps, among others, patients with chronic pain. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether medical cannabis should also be used to treat other diseases and whether medical cannabis could also be sold in pharmacies outside the hospital in the future.
23 May 2022
In Trier and Mainz, police have launched a pilot project of a mobile phone radar. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if this radar could not be used in Luxembourg as well.
12 May 2022
MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have been informed that there are currently difficulties in Ettelbrück with the staff to provide the ambulance service. In this context, the two politicians asked the Ministry of the Interior, among other things, about the availability of volunteers.
10 May 2022
In Germany, a car manufacturer was recently given permission to use its system of automated driving in road traffic under specific conditions. DP MP Max Hahn asked if this system was also authorised in Luxembourg and how the government wants to deal with these technological developments.
06 May 2022
What effect does the current price increase have on the number of passengers on public transport? DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible for the matter.
06 May 2022
DP MP Max Hahn heard that the tram was completely overcrowded during rush hour. In this context, he wanted to know what is planned to improve the situation.
06 May 2022
the raccoon is an invasive species that seems to be spreading more and more in Luxembourg. Contacts with people seem to multiply as of recently. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn therefore asked how the population was developing and whether measures to regulate the population were effective.
29 April 2022
In Belgium, the debate over the disposal of nuclear waste is entering a new phase. The geological storage seems to be decided thing. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible what the position of the Luxembourg government was and how it was involved in the decision-making process.
04 April 2022
The DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas have heard that the hospital in Kirchberg sometimes rejected patients brought to the emergency room by ambulance during the "small watch". In a parliamentary question, they therefore wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether this was true and if so, what was being done to prevent such cases.
30 March 2022
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn have heard that the project of the new P&R in Wasserbillig near the CFL train station, due to, among others, the price explosion of the material, has temporarily been stopped, and will be re-planned. For this reason, they asked the Minister responsible for further details.
30 March 2022
The Ministry of Mobility announced the creation of a bi-directional bus lane in two parts of the country, on which the bus can travel in the morning in one direction and in the evening in the other direction. DP MP Max Hahn asked how the two projects are progressing.
How many cases where people simply dispose of their waste in nature have there been in recent years?
30 March 2022
Again and again one sees places in nature where people have disposed of their trash. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have asked how many cases there have been in recent years.
24 February 2022
Only 16% of the eligible households make a demand for the rent subsidy. Why is that? DP MP Max Hahn asked the competent minister.
24 February 2022
Modular constructions on rented building land could quickly create additional housing. DP MP Max Hahn asked how this model is currently being implemented and how it could be further promoted.
24 February 2022
In Luxembourg there are 5018 hectares of undeveloped land within the perimeter, of which 3750 hectares are in a residential or mixed zone. How many of these plots could be developed directly? And for how many a PAP needs to be voted first? DP MP Max Hahn asked the responsible minister some questions.
21 February 2022
It seems that a pollution of the Moselle has occurred near the Cattenom nuclear plant. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know further details on this incident from the competent minister.
11 February 2022
The law of December 2020 made it easier to request a change of name or surname. How many people have changed their names in 2021 and what are general reasons for these requests? Our MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann inquired at the ministry.
31 January 2022
The audiophonological service provides early detection of language deficits in children aged 30 months. DP MPs Max Hahn, Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health questions about participation and current problems in making appointments.
28 January 2022
Following the floods of last July, many people and municipalities have decided to invest in flood protection measures, which are also financially supported by the Water fund. DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked, among other things, how many applications had already been received and how many of them had already been processed.
24 January 2022
MP Max Hahn asked the Minister of Interior, among other things, about the calculation of the social aid.
21 January 2022
As part of the CGDIS, the Psychological Support Group steps in when there are accidents, disasters or other incidents. Where have the volunteer teams been deployed recently, how many volunteers are currently committed in the teams and has the Covid crisis aggravated the situation for the teams over the past years? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministry for clarifi...
11 January 2022
Work is underway in Dortmund, among others, on a system for charging electric cars at streetlights. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if this was not an idea to implement in Luxembourg as well.
14 December 2021
Intentional damage often results in unnecessary costs, and money needs to be used which could also have been used for positive purposes. In Luxembourg, too, we are not free from vandalism - but where does it occur most, and what costs does it entail? Our MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty inquired at the Ministry.
08 December 2021
Leaves, mud or other debris on the bike paths pose a safety risk for cyclists in winter. DP MP Max Hahn therefore asked about the maintenance of the state bike lanes.
18 November 2021
During the winter months visibility is most important for pedestrians and cyclists to avoid accidents. While the government organised a awareness raising campaign the last years in this regard, there seems to be none this year, which is why the DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler wanted to know what are the reasons for this.
25 October 2021
In his Tribune Libre on the radio this week, Max Hahn spoke about the government's additional measures against the lack of affordable housing.
30 September 2021
With a bonus, the Ministry of the Environment in Thuringia wants to encourage people to have their electrical appliances repaired instead of throwing them away. DP MP Max Hahn therefore asked if this would not be a way to strengthen the circular economy also here in Luxembourg.
27 September 2021
Again and again we hear that the mandatory archaeological assessment requires a lot of time and that the procedures thus contribute to the long waiting times for construction projects. DP Members of Parliament Max Hahn and André Bauler have therefore asked whether this is the case and what can be done to change that situation.
24 September 2021
Thirteen years after the first Housing Pact, the Chamber of Deputies recently voted in favour of Housing Pact 2.0
19 August 2021
In Rumelange, the CFL wants to destroy a historic railway tunnel, i.e. remove the ground above the tunnel, to modernize the track. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what environmental impact these works had.
12 August 2021
In the Netherlands, a pilot project was launched a few years ago, in which the markings on the motorway were applied using fluorescent colors to improve road safety. What is the conclusion of this project? Would this also be an idea for implementation in Luxembourg? DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn have asked the minister for information.
12 August 2021
The coalition agreement provides that vacant areas along the motorways and railway tracks could be used to install solar pannels. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn have asked what concrete projects there are so far.
07 July 2021
Would radars at track crossings be an idea to be able to avoid accidents like the one that recently happened in Bertrange? In Germany, there are already such devices in various places that warn the train when something is on the tracks. The DP MP Max Hahn has asked the responsible minister about this idea and also wanted to know how the CFL is progressing with the replacement of the railway barriers...
29 June 2021
Defibrillators and first aid kits can save lives, as the recent case of Danish footballer Christian Eriksen has shown once again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann, Claude Lamberty, and Max Hahn wanted to know from the respective Ministries what is the plan to install more defibrillators in public areas.
17 June 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible if there will be delays in the delivery of the new trains for the CFL due to the pandemic.
16 June 2021
A new EU regulation allows Member States to use carbon capture, use and storage technologies to meet their climate goals, particularly in industrial processes where emissions are difficult to avoid. In concrete terms this means that companies can capture their emissions and e.g. storage them geologically. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what was the position of Luxembourg, which Member States...
08 June 2021
In preparation for the COP26 at the end of this year in Glasgow, negotiations are currently ongoing at the international level to prepare a possible agreement. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know more about the content and progress of these negotiations from the responsible ministre.
26 May 2021
According to the director of the Luxembourg logistics cluster, 25-meter trucks would be an option to reduce the sector's emissions. In general, however, the transport sector risks not reaching its climate goals. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas have asked the relevant ministers if Gigaliner could be allowed in Luxembourg in the future and what considerations are there to help the sector in the climate...
11 May 2021
Large mirrors in space, the scattering of particles in the atmosphere or the creation of artificial clouds to reflect the sun: these are just a few examples of the so-called "geo-engineering" that some scientists want to focus on in order to stop global warming. However, as the consequences of such far-reaching interventions in nature can be unpredictable and even potentially dramatic, DP MPs Gusty...
07 May 2021
In Germany, tularemia is still spreading. This infectious disease can also be transmitted to humans. Are there any cases of sick animals in Luxembourg at the moment? Where are the risks and for whom? Are hunters and farmers informed about the situation? What measures are in place to prevent a spread in the Grand Duchy? Deputies Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the ministry about the matter.
04 May 2021
The installation of a rainwater system to use rainwater for various purposes is an opportunity to save drinking water, just as drought and heat put groundwater levels under stress. DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the minister responsible how many public buildings are already equipped with such a system and what the plans for the future look like.
02 April 2021
Operations on intersex children are not uncommon. Intersexuality is often seen as a medical problem that needs to be addressed. Regardless of whether these children are healthy, they are being refused a choice that they should have been able to make a later date. In Germany, a law is currently being discussed prohibiting this practice and aiming to strengthen intersex children in their self-determination....
02 April 2021
A miscarriage is a horrible moment for any parent. An end to a new life, before it even began. In New Zealand, a law has been passed to allow parents to take extra leave in this case. They should be given time to mourn their loss. Deputies Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked if such an extra leave is also planned in Luxembourg.
26 March 2021
After last year's success, DP MP Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned ministers, what is the plan for this year.
22 March 2021
Forests play an important role in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the dry spells and the high temperatures take an important toll on them. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned minister about the number of applications for subsidies under the "Climate Bonus" program, the extent of the work on the reform of the Aid Catalog and several other measures that...
15 March 2021
In a recent statement, the Ecological Movement and the Luxembourg young farmers and rural youth demand that PV plants be installed as a priority on buildings or other already used areas, and as little as possible on the ground, so as to limit further soil sealing. DP members Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the relevant ministers how they feel about this and how big the area is in Luxembourg that is...
11 March 2021
What is the role of technologies that filter carbon dioxide from the air in the context of climate protection? The Chamber of Deputies addressed this question in a debate.
01 March 2021
Many cyclists have a flashing light on their bikes in order to be more visible on the road and to feel safer. The Minister of Mobility wishing to ban such lights, the deputies of the DP Max Hahn and André Bauler asked on the basis of what data the decision had been taken and whether the cycling interest groups had been consulted.
17 February 2021
The government announced a pilot project last summer to support the drone rescue of fawns from combine harvesters. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas wanted more information on this pilot project.
15 February 2021
The First Responder plays a key role in supporting people in a life-threatening emergency and ensuring the transmission of important information to the fire station until the emergency services arrive at the scene of the accident. In his parliamentary question, Max Hahn asked how the First Responder has developed within the CGDIS over the past two years.
15 February 2021
Recently, many municipalities across the country have launched a mobile application that allows you to consult the public transport timetables in the respective municipalities, as well as the waste and events calendar. In their parliamentary question, the deputies Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible minister why train timetables cannot be integrated currently into these applications...
12 February 2021
There are already housing projects in CFL passenger buildings. But what is the potential across the country? Are there other projects planned? DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn requested further information from the relevant minister.
11 February 2021
The "multimodal model and cross-border mobility scenarios" project analyzes traffic flows to improve the organization of mobility in the Greater Region. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn inquired with the competent minister on the state of progress of the project and on the possible first results.
11 February 2021
Germany is considering permitting autonomous driving on certain roads in the midst of normal traffic in the near future. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent minister how far Luxembourg is in this regard?
01 February 2021
It has come to the attention of the DP's MP Max Hahn that apparently CFL Cargo lost at least one major customer during the pandemic, since freight transport by road is currently more interesting than rail transport. This is why he wanted to know from the competent minister if this is the case and what measures the government intends to take to curb this trend.
01 February 2021
The coalition agreement provides for the modernisation of the CITA and the development of an IT strategy for the road administration in order to better manage traffic flows and improve information for drivers. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn inquired with the competent minister on the progress of the related work.
29 January 2021
Distraction through the use of mobile phones while driving is increasingly a risk factor in road traffic. In other countries, radars or even drones are used to fight against the use of mobile phones while driving. DP MP Max Hahn inquired of the competent ministers about Luxembourg's plans in this regard.
29 January 2021
The French environmental authority raised many criticisms in its opinion from January 13th on the proposed nuclear waste storage center in Bure. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the competent ministers, whether they were aware of what action the French authorities intend to take on this opinion, and whether there are regular exchanges between France and Luxembourg on this topic.
29 January 2021
In a recent press article, the Minister of Energy raised the enormous energy potential that the some 100 hectares of parking areas in Luxembourg would represent if they were covered with structures and solar panels were installed on top. This is why the deputy of the DP Max Hahn wanted to know from the minister how he intends to mobilize this potential.
28 January 2021
A possible first presence of the golden jackal in Luxembourg was detected recently. This is why the deputies of the DP André Bauler and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent minister what will be the impact of this new species on the native fauna and what is the general state in the fight against invasive alien species.
28 January 2021
The coalition agreement provides for the development of a “national parking and park-and-ride strategy (P&R)”. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn inquired with the competent minister on the state of the development of this document.
13 January 2021
It has come to attention of the deputies of the DP Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn that many people wait several months for the payment of the premium for sustainable mobility. This is why they have inquired with the competent minister to find out what are the reasons for this and what is being done to speed up the procedure.
12 January 2021
The government has decided in its current coalition agreement that it will support the recognition of ecocide as a crime. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent ministers what Luxembourg's efforts have been so far in this direction.
28 November 2020
At the end of September 2017, the government presented a pilot project in which the "Fonds de compensation (FDC)" was encouraged to increase its commitment to the creation of affordable rental housing. The DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister in question about the progress of the project in Grevenmacher and about the efforts made by the FDC since autumn 2017 to create affordable rental...
26 November 2020
Due to the volatility of solar and wind energy energy storage is a central element of the energy transition towards 100% renewable energy. Max Hahn, DP MP, has therefore asked the responsible minister what Luxembourg's strategy is in this regard in order to guarantee security of supply in the future.
24 November 2020
The "Plans d'aménagement particulier (PAP)" play an important role when it comes to creating housing. Accordingly, DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked how many PAPs are currently being realised and how many newly built (affordable) housing units can be expected.
23 November 2020
At the moment it is common practice for most real estate constructors to show prices calculated on the basis of the reduced VAT rate of 3%. However, this poses a risk to consumers. In 2019, the Minister for Consumer Protection and the Minister for Housing announced that they would consider standardising the listed prices. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked what conclusions had been drawn in this...
11 November 2020
Since April, masks have been compulsory in public transport. The DP MP Max Hahn wanted to know from the responsible minister whether compliance with this rule is controlled and what is the result of these controls.
11 November 2020
For two years now, the state has been covering the costs of textbooks for secondary school students. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn asked the Minister of Education how much the financial relief for the households was.
06 November 2020
DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the responsible minister under which criteria the SNHBM buys real estate and why various plots of land and buildings have not yet been valorised.
16 June 2020
Apparently, only a small part would be missing, then the PC35 bike path could be completed. This would create a continuous bicycle connection from the Sanem and Bascharage area, over the communes of Dippach and Bertrange to Mamer and Luxembourg city. DP MPs Max Hahn and Frank Colabianchi asked the minister responsible for when these works could be completed.