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The "Tirelbaach" is causing floodings in the municipality of Bettendorf
In the event of torrential rains, or when it rains for a long time without interruption, the “Tirelbaach” quickly emerges from its bed, where many basements are often flooded. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority had already carried out studies to find out whether there are possibilities for retention...
Forest fires in Luxembourg
Forest fires have risen sharply in recent years as a result of climate change. DP Members of Parliament André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity and the Minister for Home Affairs how the number of forest fires has changed over the last 10 years, which areas are most affected, how often the CGDIS has had to intervene and what preventive measures have...
Meat consumption in Luxembourg
While the annual consumption of meat in Germany decreased by 430 grams in 2023, an increase was observed in the category of poultry. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture whether the statistics for Luxembourg are similar, what developments have been noticed with regards to the meat production in Luxembourg, from where and how much meat we import...
The health of forests in Luxembourg
The health of trees in Luxembourg has deteriorated significantly. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether concrete projects are underway to counteract the deteriorating health and resilience of the forests and where these are taking place, what is planned to massively replant and compensate for the loss of trees and whether organisms...
Invasive plants and animals
Invasive plants and animals are a threat to our ecosystem because they can spread massively and cause great damage. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity which plants and animals have been classified as invasive here in Luxembourg, which are the most aggressive ones and where they spread, what risk this poses to human health and whether...
Crushing of materials in the green zone
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.
How many authorisations for buildings in the green zone have been approved in recent years?
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler have asked the Minister of the Environment how many authorisations for buildings in the green zone have been applied for in the last 5 years, how many applications have been rejected and when the principle of "silence is consent" will be introduced in the authorisation procedure.
The "Asian hornet", a danger for bee colonies
The “Asian hornet” has been destroying bee colonies in the Western Palatinate and eating their honey for a few years now. Many bee colonies in Rhineland-Palatinate are also affected by the “Varroa mite”. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture how many bee colonies have fallen victim to the “varroa mite” in the last five years, whether the “Asian...
Alternatives to the land set-aside
The European Commission decided to loosen an environmental regulation which concerns the 4% of their arable land EU farmers need to keep fallow or unproductive. Instead of maintaining fallow or unproductive land on, there are two alternatives, with EU farmers growing nitrogen-fixing crops (such as lentils, peas or broad beans) and/or catch crops on 7% of their arable land. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc...
Administrative simplifications in the agricultural sector
In Luxembourg, no subsidies are to be cut, and administrative simplification must be a priority. DP deputies André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture what administrative simplifications are involved, what resources are being used in this context, whether the current administrative burden on agricultural players has already been quantified by professional...
Environmental protection: less confrontation and more cooperation
In his “Tribune Libre” this week, DP MP Luc Emering talks about modern nature conservation that does not work with enemy images and does not get bogged down by unimportant details.
The "Tirelbaach" is causing floodings in the municipality of Bettendorf
In the event of torrential rains, or when it rains for a long time without interruption, the “Tirelbaach” quickly emerges from its bed, where many basements are often flooded. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority had already carried out studies to find out whether there are possibilities for retention...
Forest fires in Luxembourg
Forest fires have risen sharply in recent years as a result of climate change. DP Members of Parliament André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity and the Minister for Home Affairs how the number of forest fires has changed over the last 10 years, which areas are most affected, how often the CGDIS has had to intervene and what preventive measures have...
Meat consumption in Luxembourg
While the annual consumption of meat in Germany decreased by 430 grams in 2023, an increase was observed in the category of poultry. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture whether the statistics for Luxembourg are similar, what developments have been noticed with regards to the meat production in Luxembourg, from where and how much meat we import...
The health of forests in Luxembourg
The health of trees in Luxembourg has deteriorated significantly. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether concrete projects are underway to counteract the deteriorating health and resilience of the forests and where these are taking place, what is planned to massively replant and compensate for the loss of trees and whether organisms...
Invasive plants and animals
Invasive plants and animals are a threat to our ecosystem because they can spread massively and cause great damage. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity which plants and animals have been classified as invasive here in Luxembourg, which are the most aggressive ones and where they spread, what risk this poses to human health and whether...
Crushing of materials in the green zone
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.
How many authorisations for buildings in the green zone have been approved in recent years?
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler have asked the Minister of the Environment how many authorisations for buildings in the green zone have been applied for in the last 5 years, how many applications have been rejected and when the principle of "silence is consent" will be introduced in the authorisation procedure.
The "Asian hornet", a danger for bee colonies
The “Asian hornet” has been destroying bee colonies in the Western Palatinate and eating their honey for a few years now. Many bee colonies in Rhineland-Palatinate are also affected by the “Varroa mite”. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture how many bee colonies have fallen victim to the “varroa mite” in the last five years, whether the “Asian...
Alternatives to the land set-aside
The European Commission decided to loosen an environmental regulation which concerns the 4% of their arable land EU farmers need to keep fallow or unproductive. Instead of maintaining fallow or unproductive land on, there are two alternatives, with EU farmers growing nitrogen-fixing crops (such as lentils, peas or broad beans) and/or catch crops on 7% of their arable land. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc...
Administrative simplifications in the agricultural sector
In Luxembourg, no subsidies are to be cut, and administrative simplification must be a priority. DP deputies André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture what administrative simplifications are involved, what resources are being used in this context, whether the current administrative burden on agricultural players has already been quantified by professional...
Environmental protection: less confrontation and more cooperation
In his “Tribune Libre” this week, DP MP Luc Emering talks about modern nature conservation that does not work with enemy images and does not get bogged down by unimportant details.
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