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Can members of the government use government resources for personal advertising ?
A member of the government used public funds to publish content that did not contain a political message related to public policy. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Corinne Cahen asked the Prime Minister whether government members should not rather use ministerial funds to communicate about a political issue, what message the ad should convey and whether each member has a budget for personal advertising or whether...
Extension of the hunting season
Since 1 May 2024, the hunting season for certain game species has been extended in order to combat the overpopulation of game animals and thus protect the forests. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Gusty Graas asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity what exact figures indicate that there is an overpopulation of game animals, what measures are planned to enable hunters to fulfill their...
Digitalisation for all
On the 'Tribune Libre' programme this week, our DP MP Guy Arendt spoke about the importance of digital inclusion in Luxembourg. This refers to the efforts being made nationwide to include everyone in the new, digital age.
Why is the French hunting exam no longer recognised?
How long has it been known that the French hunting test does not meet our standards? Why was it only now that the decision was made not to recognize the French hunting examination? DP MP Guy Arendt asked the competent minister.
How high is the damage caused by foxes?
DP MP Guy Arendt asked the ministers how many animals the fox has killed in recent years and how much economic damage has been caused. He also inquired as to the current state of the diseases detected in the tested foxes, and also raised the question whether one should not regulate the fox population again.
How is the function of a notary clerk regulated?
The notary clerks act as the right hand of the notaries and support them in their work: preparing documents, keeping records, meeting clients - these are all tasks that can be taken over by a notary clerk. But how exactly is this function regulated? Are there enough notary clerks and what kind of profile is required to do the job? Our MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt asked the respective ministries...
Are municipalities allowed to withhold letters from the municipality council?
Citizens, clubs or associations often send invitations, concerns or information requests to the Aldermen and the local council of their community. They usually use the official e-mail or postal address of the municipality. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Claude Lamberty have now learned that some letters never reached the members of the municipality council, even though they were considered the recipients of...
Exchange of information between the old and new hunting syndicates
DP MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt have heard that the secretaries of the former hunting syndicates are not allowed to give out the account numbers of forest, meadow and field owners to the new secretaries for data protection reasons. Therefore, they asked the Minister responsible how this problem could be solved.
How many diseases have been detected in foxes?
It is known that foxes often transmit diseases. Now the ministry has warned of distemper detected in foxes. This disease can also be transmitted to dogs. Guy Arendt, member of the DP, asks the ministers concerned how many diseases have been detected in recent years in foxes and how to prevent the spread of these viruses.
How many controls were there in the Horeca sector during the crisis?
During the crisis, the ITM also carried out inspections in the area of catering. Of course, these controls are important, but some companies now need to do major work in a short period of time. They are afraid that because of the pandemic they will not hiccup in the imposed time and in some cases even lack the liquidity. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Guy Arendt ask the minister how many inspections were...
How to optimize hunting in Luxembourg?
The Mouvement écologique has recently criticized the fact that wildlife damage in Luxembourg is too high and that more hunting needs to be done. DP MP Guy Arendt has some ideas on how to improve the efficiency of hunting and asks the Environment Minister what measures they intend to implement to optimize hunting.
New cycling path between Walferdange and Dommeldange: why not over the whole distance?
Between Walferdange and Dommeldange, a cycle path separate from road traffic will be built by next year. Unfortunately, it is only a kilometer long. Cyclists must continue on the road on the dangerous section of the "Kromm Längten". DP MP Guy Arendt asked the minister what the reasons are for this and whether it was not planned to secure the rest of the way to Walferdange as well.
Freedom of press in the EU
In Hungary, a radio station was forced to shut its activities on 14 February 2021. In July 2020, the Hungarian government has already interfered in the media world with the dismissal of the editor-in-chief of "Index", the first news website in Hungary. In Poland, more than 40 media institutions went on strike in February to protest against a proposed "advertising tax", which was seen as an attack on...
What is the reaction of the Minister of the Environment to the resignation of the president of the FSHCL?
The president of the hunter's federation motivated his resignation by the lack of constructive collaboration and a "contempt" ("Missachten") on the part of the Minister of the Environment vis-à-vis hunters. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Gusty Graas wanted to know the minister's reaction to these allegations and how the current situation is planned to be resolved.
Can a bailiff simply attach a sticker regarding their order onto a post box?
Is it allowed for a bailiff to attach a sticker onto the post box to inform the residents about an enforced seizure at their home? How are private individuals contacted by the bailiff if they are not at home? How is the residents’ privacy safeguarded in such instances? MP Guy Arendt asked these questions to the Ministry of Justice.
The State does not leave any business out in the rain
The Minister for the Middle Classes Lex Delles has launched three additional aids, which are particularly helpful to those sectors most affected by the Corona crisis: hospitality, tourism, culture and events.
Focusing on professional journalists
A new media law will soon be passed in the Chamber of Deputies. On this occasion, we had a conversation with Guy Arendt, the chairman of the parliamentary commission in charge of the issue.
Why has the driven hunt been prohibited?
The Ministry of Environment considers hunting as a "recreational activity" and therefore bans driven hunting until the 15th December. DP MP Guy Arendt asked the Minister which legislative text she was referring to in order to classify hunting accordingly. According to the MP, the hunt is not explicitly covered by the new Covid law and one should still be able to hunt with the necessary distance and...
Can members of the government use government resources for personal advertising ?
A member of the government used public funds to publish content that did not contain a political message related to public policy. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Corinne Cahen asked the Prime Minister whether government members should not rather use ministerial funds to communicate about a political issue, what message the ad should convey and whether each member has a budget for personal advertising or whether...
Extension of the hunting season
Since 1 May 2024, the hunting season for certain game species has been extended in order to combat the overpopulation of game animals and thus protect the forests. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Gusty Graas asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity what exact figures indicate that there is an overpopulation of game animals, what measures are planned to enable hunters to fulfill their...
Digitalisation for all
On the 'Tribune Libre' programme this week, our DP MP Guy Arendt spoke about the importance of digital inclusion in Luxembourg. This refers to the efforts being made nationwide to include everyone in the new, digital age.
Why is the French hunting exam no longer recognised?
How long has it been known that the French hunting test does not meet our standards? Why was it only now that the decision was made not to recognize the French hunting examination? DP MP Guy Arendt asked the competent minister.
How high is the damage caused by foxes?
DP MP Guy Arendt asked the ministers how many animals the fox has killed in recent years and how much economic damage has been caused. He also inquired as to the current state of the diseases detected in the tested foxes, and also raised the question whether one should not regulate the fox population again.
How is the function of a notary clerk regulated?
The notary clerks act as the right hand of the notaries and support them in their work: preparing documents, keeping records, meeting clients - these are all tasks that can be taken over by a notary clerk. But how exactly is this function regulated? Are there enough notary clerks and what kind of profile is required to do the job? Our MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt asked the respective ministries...
Are municipalities allowed to withhold letters from the municipality council?
Citizens, clubs or associations often send invitations, concerns or information requests to the Aldermen and the local council of their community. They usually use the official e-mail or postal address of the municipality. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Claude Lamberty have now learned that some letters never reached the members of the municipality council, even though they were considered the recipients of...
Exchange of information between the old and new hunting syndicates
DP MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt have heard that the secretaries of the former hunting syndicates are not allowed to give out the account numbers of forest, meadow and field owners to the new secretaries for data protection reasons. Therefore, they asked the Minister responsible how this problem could be solved.
How many diseases have been detected in foxes?
It is known that foxes often transmit diseases. Now the ministry has warned of distemper detected in foxes. This disease can also be transmitted to dogs. Guy Arendt, member of the DP, asks the ministers concerned how many diseases have been detected in recent years in foxes and how to prevent the spread of these viruses.
How many controls were there in the Horeca sector during the crisis?
During the crisis, the ITM also carried out inspections in the area of catering. Of course, these controls are important, but some companies now need to do major work in a short period of time. They are afraid that because of the pandemic they will not hiccup in the imposed time and in some cases even lack the liquidity. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Guy Arendt ask the minister how many inspections were...
How to optimize hunting in Luxembourg?
The Mouvement écologique has recently criticized the fact that wildlife damage in Luxembourg is too high and that more hunting needs to be done. DP MP Guy Arendt has some ideas on how to improve the efficiency of hunting and asks the Environment Minister what measures they intend to implement to optimize hunting.
New cycling path between Walferdange and Dommeldange: why not over the whole distance?
Between Walferdange and Dommeldange, a cycle path separate from road traffic will be built by next year. Unfortunately, it is only a kilometer long. Cyclists must continue on the road on the dangerous section of the "Kromm Längten". DP MP Guy Arendt asked the minister what the reasons are for this and whether it was not planned to secure the rest of the way to Walferdange as well.
Freedom of press in the EU
In Hungary, a radio station was forced to shut its activities on 14 February 2021. In July 2020, the Hungarian government has already interfered in the media world with the dismissal of the editor-in-chief of "Index", the first news website in Hungary. In Poland, more than 40 media institutions went on strike in February to protest against a proposed "advertising tax", which was seen as an attack on...
What is the reaction of the Minister of the Environment to the resignation of the president of the FSHCL?
The president of the hunter's federation motivated his resignation by the lack of constructive collaboration and a "contempt" ("Missachten") on the part of the Minister of the Environment vis-à-vis hunters. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Gusty Graas wanted to know the minister's reaction to these allegations and how the current situation is planned to be resolved.
Can a bailiff simply attach a sticker regarding their order onto a post box?
Is it allowed for a bailiff to attach a sticker onto the post box to inform the residents about an enforced seizure at their home? How are private individuals contacted by the bailiff if they are not at home? How is the residents’ privacy safeguarded in such instances? MP Guy Arendt asked these questions to the Ministry of Justice.
The State does not leave any business out in the rain
The Minister for the Middle Classes Lex Delles has launched three additional aids, which are particularly helpful to those sectors most affected by the Corona crisis: hospitality, tourism, culture and events.
Focusing on professional journalists
A new media law will soon be passed in the Chamber of Deputies. On this occasion, we had a conversation with Guy Arendt, the chairman of the parliamentary commission in charge of the issue.
Why has the driven hunt been prohibited?
The Ministry of Environment considers hunting as a "recreational activity" and therefore bans driven hunting until the 15th December. DP MP Guy Arendt asked the Minister which legislative text she was referring to in order to classify hunting accordingly. According to the MP, the hunt is not explicitly covered by the new Covid law and one should still be able to hunt with the necessary distance and...
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