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  • Political topics

Can members of the government use government resources for personal advertising ?
A member of the government used public funds to publish content that did not contain a political message related to public policy. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Corinne Cahen asked the Prime Minister whether government members should not rather use ministerial funds to communicate about a political issue, what message the ad should convey and whether each member has a budget for personal advertising or whether...
Should the emergency departments for children in the north be expanded?
Even children with minor injuries are often sent from the north to the capital's paediatric clinic. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Health why the CHdN's emergency departments cannot be guaranteed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and how many children from the north are sent to the Kannerklinik.
Why is it not possible to do an apprenticeship as a disabled worker?
Young people with a disability do not seem to be able to do an apprenticeship in Luxembourg and at the same time have the status of a disabled worker. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the relevant ministers why this is not possible and whether there are plans to remedy this situation?
How often have the carers' leave and the leave for reasons of force majeure been taken so far?
Since last year, two new types of leave can be applied for if you have to look after your family. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Corinne Cahen wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how often these leaves have been requested so far and how long it takes for an employer to receive the intended financial support from the state.
More police presence in the area around the central station?
When it comes to drug-related crime, everyone is talking about the areas of the central station and Hollerich. The residents are demanding more security, the police offices are only open to a limited extent or bound to disappear in the future. What is being done to ensure a police presence? Our MP Corinne Cahen inquired with the responsible ministries.
A pedestrian and cycling bridge to better connect Cents-Hamm station with Hamm?
A bridge for pedestrians and cyclists between the station Cents-Hamm and Hamm could make public transport more interesting for many people who work or go to school in Hamm, and the route significantly safer. The DP MP Corinne Cahen therefore asked the Minister for Mobility and Public Works Yuriko Backes whether the construction of such a walkway was conceivable.
How many social plans have there been in recent years?
Companies in economic difficulties in Luxembourg have the option of negotiating a job protection plan with the social partners to avoid layoffs. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers how many job protection plans have been negotiated in the last ten years and how many social plans have been implemented in the same period.
Is a new casino opening in the ‘Gare’ district?
At the central station, in the Joseph Junck street, an establishment is currently being implemented which appears to be a casino or a gambling venue. These establishments are not simply allowed to open their doors in public space but need an authorisation from the Ministry of Justice. Is there actually a new casino opening its doors at the station? Our MP Corinne Cahen is inquiring with the relevant...
How has the situation of “Dubliners” in Luxembourg developed over the past few years?
Since the end of October, male "Dubliners" who are traveling as individuals can no longer be accepted in the refugee accommodation. This is because the options are scarce and the existing places are overcrowded. Priority should be given to children, women and vulnerable people. But how have the numbers developed over the past few years and how did we get into this situation? Our MPs Corinne Cahen and...
National congress 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
FutureLab - Interview with Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty
With the Rentrée, the DP launches an important internal innovation - the FutureLab. Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty were asked what this promising concept is all about.
Interview with the Minister for Family Affairs Corinne Cahen
For the most part, the residents are doing well. However, I get told every day by older people that they never want to be imprisoned again. I can understand that very well. We will therefore do everything in our power to ensure that everyone can live their lives independently, including in retirement and care homes.
Luxembourg becomes more accessible
We want a world in which everyone has access everywhere - not just physically, but also access to information. During the corona pandemic, the government did everything in its power to provide information to everyone: the leaflets were translated into several languages and the press conferences could be followed in sign language.
DP national congress: taking responsibility in times of crisis
For the second time since the start of the Corona Pandemic, the Democratic Party launched its national congress in digital form on Monday, April 26th. This year again, it was a great success: more than 600 members attended and participated in the congress.
"Integration is not a one-way road"
"Living together concerns us all. Together we are strong to plan an even stronger Luxembourg," said Corinne Cahen, Minister of Family Affairs and Integration, during the parliamentary debate on integration policy in Luxembourg.
To always keep control; also in stormy weathers!
Over the past few months, the DP have more than lived up to their reputation as a responsible party. Our members of parliament have taken the right decisions for the well-being of our country. Every single one has proven in their department that in times of a crisis they can be counted on. The crisis manager Luxembourg is well looked after under the lead of prime minister Xavier Bettel. “If the country...
Can members of the government use government resources for personal advertising ?
A member of the government used public funds to publish content that did not contain a political message related to public policy. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Corinne Cahen asked the Prime Minister whether government members should not rather use ministerial funds to communicate about a political issue, what message the ad should convey and whether each member has a budget for personal advertising or whether...
Should the emergency departments for children in the north be expanded?
Even children with minor injuries are often sent from the north to the capital's paediatric clinic. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Health why the CHdN's emergency departments cannot be guaranteed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and how many children from the north are sent to the Kannerklinik.
Why is it not possible to do an apprenticeship as a disabled worker?
Young people with a disability do not seem to be able to do an apprenticeship in Luxembourg and at the same time have the status of a disabled worker. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the relevant ministers why this is not possible and whether there are plans to remedy this situation?
How often have the carers' leave and the leave for reasons of force majeure been taken so far?
Since last year, two new types of leave can be applied for if you have to look after your family. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Corinne Cahen wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how often these leaves have been requested so far and how long it takes for an employer to receive the intended financial support from the state.
More police presence in the area around the central station?
When it comes to drug-related crime, everyone is talking about the areas of the central station and Hollerich. The residents are demanding more security, the police offices are only open to a limited extent or bound to disappear in the future. What is being done to ensure a police presence? Our MP Corinne Cahen inquired with the responsible ministries.
A pedestrian and cycling bridge to better connect Cents-Hamm station with Hamm?
A bridge for pedestrians and cyclists between the station Cents-Hamm and Hamm could make public transport more interesting for many people who work or go to school in Hamm, and the route significantly safer. The DP MP Corinne Cahen therefore asked the Minister for Mobility and Public Works Yuriko Backes whether the construction of such a walkway was conceivable.
How many social plans have there been in recent years?
Companies in economic difficulties in Luxembourg have the option of negotiating a job protection plan with the social partners to avoid layoffs. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers how many job protection plans have been negotiated in the last ten years and how many social plans have been implemented in the same period.
Is a new casino opening in the ‘Gare’ district?
At the central station, in the Joseph Junck street, an establishment is currently being implemented which appears to be a casino or a gambling venue. These establishments are not simply allowed to open their doors in public space but need an authorisation from the Ministry of Justice. Is there actually a new casino opening its doors at the station? Our MP Corinne Cahen is inquiring with the relevant...
How has the situation of “Dubliners” in Luxembourg developed over the past few years?
Since the end of October, male "Dubliners" who are traveling as individuals can no longer be accepted in the refugee accommodation. This is because the options are scarce and the existing places are overcrowded. Priority should be given to children, women and vulnerable people. But how have the numbers developed over the past few years and how did we get into this situation? Our MPs Corinne Cahen and...
National congress 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
FutureLab - Interview with Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty
With the Rentrée, the DP launches an important internal innovation - the FutureLab. Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty were asked what this promising concept is all about.
Interview with the Minister for Family Affairs Corinne Cahen
For the most part, the residents are doing well. However, I get told every day by older people that they never want to be imprisoned again. I can understand that very well. We will therefore do everything in our power to ensure that everyone can live their lives independently, including in retirement and care homes.
Luxembourg becomes more accessible
We want a world in which everyone has access everywhere - not just physically, but also access to information. During the corona pandemic, the government did everything in its power to provide information to everyone: the leaflets were translated into several languages and the press conferences could be followed in sign language.
DP national congress: taking responsibility in times of crisis
For the second time since the start of the Corona Pandemic, the Democratic Party launched its national congress in digital form on Monday, April 26th. This year again, it was a great success: more than 600 members attended and participated in the congress.
"Integration is not a one-way road"
"Living together concerns us all. Together we are strong to plan an even stronger Luxembourg," said Corinne Cahen, Minister of Family Affairs and Integration, during the parliamentary debate on integration policy in Luxembourg.
To always keep control; also in stormy weathers!
Over the past few months, the DP have more than lived up to their reputation as a responsible party. Our members of parliament have taken the right decisions for the well-being of our country. Every single one has proven in their department that in times of a crisis they can be counted on. The crisis manager Luxembourg is well looked after under the lead of prime minister Xavier Bettel. “If the country...
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