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  • Political topics

Have no subsidies for a heat pump been paid out yet?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have heard that no subsidy for a heat pump has been paid out by the ministry yet, because there is almost no heat pump on the market that meets the set noise limit values. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister whether this is true and according to which criteria the limit values were defined.
Why is the Holy Ghost parking still closed to the public?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty have heard that still no tender has been made to find an operator of the Holy Ghost parking. That is why they asked the relevant minister if this is true and what the reasons are for this.
Are there still problems with the mobibus?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty heard that there are still problems with the Mobibus, after they had already asked the relevant minister a question on the subject in September.
What is planned to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty wanted to know how the government plans to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects.
What is being done to reduce the noise pollution from the Findel airport?
Since the start procedure for planes flying south was changed during the pandemic, the agglomerations east of Findel are exposed to stronger noise pollution. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn asked what was being done against it.
Back to school: Equitable formal and non-formal education for every child
In the DP's Tribune Libre, our MP and vice-president Claude Lamberty talks about the new measures in terms of non-formal education, which the Minister of National Education Claude Meisch has put in place for the start of this school year.
Equality between women and men in Luxembourg sport
In the last decades, gender equality policy in Luxembourg has continuously improved. Sport in particular can play an important role in this issue. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible ministers about the situation regarding gender equality in Luxembourg sports.
What happens to animals in a house fire?
When a private house or apartment catches fire, it is often not just people who are at risk. Many people also have pets. Not every animal is good at making itself heard. Is the fire brigade informed about pets? What methods are there and how are animals helped in an emergency? Our MP Claude Lamberty asked for further details.
Missing persons in Luxembourg
Every now and then, the news comes that a person, often a minor, is missing. With the latter, it felt like that number had increased recently. How many people have gone missing in recent years? How quickly are these people found generally ? When is an AMBER Alert started? Can public transport help in the search for missing people? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the respective...
Increased risk of skin cancer - how can we protect ourselves in the future?
The sun reaches the earth's surface ever stronger and longer. With climate change, the risk of skin cancer is also increasing. More and more people spend more time outside, and people whose jobs are on the outside are more and more exposed to the sun. How should we counter this danger in the future? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have inquired with the responsible ministries.
How often are the emergency phones used on the motorways?
The emergency telephones make it possible to contact the necessary services and request help in the event of an accident on the motorway. Today, however, more and more people are using their own mobile phones. How much are these emergency call stations still used and how much does it cost to maintain them? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministry.
How is the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen progressing?
The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and André Bauler asked how the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen is progressing, and what the possible reasons would be, why the project did not have the expected success.
National congress 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
Can you install small wind turbines at home?
In addition to solar panels, small wind turbines are a good way to produce your own electricity at home. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked whether this is allowed and whether the state also provides subsidies for smaller wind turbines.
How does the government plan to accelerate the development of wind energy?
The government announced last autumn that it would simplify the procedures to speed up the development of renewable energy, and especially wind turbines. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty therefore asked how this should happen.
What is the impact of the extreme heat on transport infrastructure?
Due to the heat this summer, trains could no longer run on various routes in England, among other places, because the tracks had deformed. DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked if this had already happened in Luxembourg and what was being done to avoid this.
What is the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the Environment Minister what the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021 is.
How protected are prison guards from attacks?
The situation of prison guards isn’t an easy one. Verbal attacks are part of their everyday life, and physical attacks and serious threats are also becoming more common. How are prison staff protected? How many attacks have there been in recent years? And how can the guards protect themselves from threats? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministers.
How safe is swimming in open waters in Luxembourg?
With the arrival of summer comes the season of excursions to the lakes. Unfortunately, with each swimming season, there is also the news regarding accidents in- and outside of the water. How safe are the local lakes for the guests? Are there enough safety guards and pool attendents in the country? How are people being protected in and around the local waters? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have...
When will the paint job on the Red Bridge be finished?
The paint job on the Red Bridge should have been completed in the spring of last year, after it had been interrupted because the company had gone bankrupt. DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked where the works are and when they should be completed.
How big is the problem of " puffs " in Luxembourg?
In France, puffs, disposable electronic cigarettes, are becoming increasingly popular among young people. The French Ministry of Health is concerned about the emergence of a new generation of smokers. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether "puffs" were a problem in Luxembourg and whether it would be useful to inform the population about the...
How are shooting ranges regulated in Luxembourg?
Who is allowed to take part in shooting range courses in Luxembourg? What kind of courses are offered to businesses as well as to individuals? What background checks and other checks are done? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have inquired with the Ministry in charge.
What is the participation rate in the early detection programme "Bilan 30"?
The audiophonological service provides early detection of language deficits in children aged 30 months. DP MPs Max Hahn, Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health questions about participation and current problems in making appointments.
When does the CGDIS - Psychological Support Group intervene?
As part of the CGDIS, the Psychological Support Group steps in when there are accidents, disasters or other incidents. Where have the volunteer teams been deployed recently, how many volunteers are currently committed in the teams and has the Covid crisis aggravated the situation for the teams over the past years? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministry for clarifications....
Launch of the Citizens' Climate Council: Together for better climate protection
In order to get people more involved in climate policy discussions, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the creation of a Citizens' Climate Council in October - he recently presented the details. In his ‘Tribune libre’, the Secretary General of the DP, Claude Lamberty, addresses this unique project in Luxembourg, and emphasizes the importance of an ambitious climate policy, which is also supported...
Minister's reaction to the call for the Covid demonstration in front of Robert Schuman hospital next week?
Deputies Claude LAMBERTY and Carole HARTMANN want to know how the responsible minister responds to the call to demonstrate in front of the Robert-Schuman hospital next week, especially in view of the development of demonstrations in recent weeks.
Why were several pregnant women denied the booster vaccination ?
Despite being invited for a booster vaccination, several pregnant women were refused the vaccination at the vaccination centre. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the Minister of Health why this is the case and what is being done to enable these women to access their booster vaccination.
How much vandalism is there in Luxembourg, and what is the cost for repairs?
Intentional damage often results in unnecessary costs, and money needs to be used which could also have been used for positive purposes. In Luxembourg, too, we are not free from vandalism - but where does it occur most, and what costs does it entail? Our MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty inquired at the Ministry.
What about the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination?
Some countries restrict the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination for entry into their country. For people who were vaccinated at the beginning of the year, the validity of the vaccination will therefore expire soon. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether Luxembourg also plans to introduce such a validity limit and what can be done at EU level.
FutureLab - Interview with Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty
With the Rentrée, the DP launches an important internal innovation - the FutureLab. Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty were asked what this promising concept is all about.
Are municipalities allowed to withhold letters from the municipality council?
Citizens, clubs or associations often send invitations, concerns or information requests to the Aldermen and the local council of their community. They usually use the official e-mail or postal address of the municipality. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Claude Lamberty have now learned that some letters never reached the members of the municipality council, even though they were considered the recipients of...
Mandatory defibrillators in public buildings?
Defibrillators and first aid kits can save lives, as the recent case of Danish footballer Christian Eriksen has shown once again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann, Claude Lamberty, and Max Hahn wanted to know from the respective Ministries what is the plan to install more defibrillators in public areas.
Combination of different vaccines against Covid-19
A recent study by the University of Saarland indicates that a combination of vaccines from AstraZeneca and Biontech/Pfizer leads to a higher immunisation. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether such a combination, once the results are confirmed, will also be considered in Luxembourg?
What's the pandemic's impact on youth criminality?
Youth criminality took a new dimension since the beginning of this year. There have been more cases with serious consequences nationwide. In particular, these terrible cases led to nationwide discussions and a very high media coverage. In this context, our MPs André Bauler and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible minister, among other things, if juvenile delinquency had changed with the pandemic.
Tularemia also in Luxembourg ?
In Germany, tularemia is still spreading. This infectious disease can also be transmitted to humans. Are there any cases of sick animals in Luxembourg at the moment? Where are the risks and for whom? Are hunters and farmers informed about the situation? What measures are in place to prevent a spread in the Grand Duchy? Deputies Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the ministry about the matter.
DP national congress: taking responsibility in times of crisis
For the second time since the start of the Corona Pandemic, the Democratic Party launched its national congress in digital form on Monday, April 26th. This year again, it was a great success: more than 600 members attended and participated in the congress.
For the country and its people, during and after the Corona Crisis
In the Tribune Libre on radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty spoke about the light at the end of the Corona Tunnel and the political future of the country after the crisis.
What is the situation of sexually transmitted diseases in Luxembourg?
Sexually transmitted diseases are still a real threat to our health. Antibiotic resistance is also contributing to certain diseases becoming more dangerous again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the ministers responsible how many cases of sexually transmitted diseases there are in Luxembourg and what measures are being taken to curb their spread.
How can we protect young people in particular from hate speech on the Internet?
The phenomenon of 'hate speech' is becoming more and more widespread in society. Not only, but especially children and young people are exposed to these comments with all their consequences. How has this problem evolved over the years, what can be done to counteract it, and how can young people in particular protect themselves from, and take action against hate speech online? MPs Carole Hartmann and...
Giving the youth perspectives during the pandemic
Especially now, during the pandemic, young people need perspectives to deal with the psychological strain. In an extended question, DP MP Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Education what the effects of the crisis are on the mental health of young people, and what is being done about youth violence prevention.
Road safety during prisoner transport
The safety of detainees during transport is not guaranteed in Luxembourg, because they do not wear seat belts, criticizes the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) in a 2015 report. The Luxembourgish association "Eran, eraus… an elo?" meanwhile, criticizes the government for still not respecting international standards in this area....
Vaccination of certain professional categories as a priority?
At the beginning of February, the Minister of Health unveiled the details of the second phase of the vaccination campaign in Luxembourg. In their parliamentary question, the deputies Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked whether it would not be appropriate to also give people from other socio-professional categories the benefit of a vaccination priority.
Integration of the train timetables in municipal apps?
Recently, many municipalities across the country have launched a mobile application that allows you to consult the public transport timetables in the respective municipalities, as well as the waste and events calendar. In their parliamentary question, the deputies Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible minister why train timetables cannot be integrated currently into these applications.
Free schoolbooks: How much does a household save per child?
For two years now, the state has been covering the costs of textbooks for secondary school students. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn asked the Minister of Education how much the financial relief for the households was.
What financial aid for the sports sector?
Despite the new sanitary measures introduced at the end of October, no part-time unemployment benefit can be requested in the sports sector. In this context, DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Sports whether other financial aid is foreseen for the sports sector.
Have no subsidies for a heat pump been paid out yet?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have heard that no subsidy for a heat pump has been paid out by the ministry yet, because there is almost no heat pump on the market that meets the set noise limit values. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister whether this is true and according to which criteria the limit values were defined.
Why is the Holy Ghost parking still closed to the public?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty have heard that still no tender has been made to find an operator of the Holy Ghost parking. That is why they asked the relevant minister if this is true and what the reasons are for this.
Are there still problems with the mobibus?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty heard that there are still problems with the Mobibus, after they had already asked the relevant minister a question on the subject in September.
What is planned to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty wanted to know how the government plans to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects.
What is being done to reduce the noise pollution from the Findel airport?
Since the start procedure for planes flying south was changed during the pandemic, the agglomerations east of Findel are exposed to stronger noise pollution. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn asked what was being done against it.
Back to school: Equitable formal and non-formal education for every child
In the DP's Tribune Libre, our MP and vice-president Claude Lamberty talks about the new measures in terms of non-formal education, which the Minister of National Education Claude Meisch has put in place for the start of this school year.
Equality between women and men in Luxembourg sport
In the last decades, gender equality policy in Luxembourg has continuously improved. Sport in particular can play an important role in this issue. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible ministers about the situation regarding gender equality in Luxembourg sports.
What happens to animals in a house fire?
When a private house or apartment catches fire, it is often not just people who are at risk. Many people also have pets. Not every animal is good at making itself heard. Is the fire brigade informed about pets? What methods are there and how are animals helped in an emergency? Our MP Claude Lamberty asked for further details.
Missing persons in Luxembourg
Every now and then, the news comes that a person, often a minor, is missing. With the latter, it felt like that number had increased recently. How many people have gone missing in recent years? How quickly are these people found generally ? When is an AMBER Alert started? Can public transport help in the search for missing people? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the respective...
Increased risk of skin cancer - how can we protect ourselves in the future?
The sun reaches the earth's surface ever stronger and longer. With climate change, the risk of skin cancer is also increasing. More and more people spend more time outside, and people whose jobs are on the outside are more and more exposed to the sun. How should we counter this danger in the future? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have inquired with the responsible ministries.
How often are the emergency phones used on the motorways?
The emergency telephones make it possible to contact the necessary services and request help in the event of an accident on the motorway. Today, however, more and more people are using their own mobile phones. How much are these emergency call stations still used and how much does it cost to maintain them? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministry.
How is the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen progressing?
The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and André Bauler asked how the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen is progressing, and what the possible reasons would be, why the project did not have the expected success.
National congress 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
Can you install small wind turbines at home?
In addition to solar panels, small wind turbines are a good way to produce your own electricity at home. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked whether this is allowed and whether the state also provides subsidies for smaller wind turbines.
How does the government plan to accelerate the development of wind energy?
The government announced last autumn that it would simplify the procedures to speed up the development of renewable energy, and especially wind turbines. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty therefore asked how this should happen.
What is the impact of the extreme heat on transport infrastructure?
Due to the heat this summer, trains could no longer run on various routes in England, among other places, because the tracks had deformed. DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked if this had already happened in Luxembourg and what was being done to avoid this.
What is the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the Environment Minister what the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021 is.
How protected are prison guards from attacks?
The situation of prison guards isn’t an easy one. Verbal attacks are part of their everyday life, and physical attacks and serious threats are also becoming more common. How are prison staff protected? How many attacks have there been in recent years? And how can the guards protect themselves from threats? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministers.
How safe is swimming in open waters in Luxembourg?
With the arrival of summer comes the season of excursions to the lakes. Unfortunately, with each swimming season, there is also the news regarding accidents in- and outside of the water. How safe are the local lakes for the guests? Are there enough safety guards and pool attendents in the country? How are people being protected in and around the local waters? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have...
When will the paint job on the Red Bridge be finished?
The paint job on the Red Bridge should have been completed in the spring of last year, after it had been interrupted because the company had gone bankrupt. DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked where the works are and when they should be completed.
How big is the problem of " puffs " in Luxembourg?
In France, puffs, disposable electronic cigarettes, are becoming increasingly popular among young people. The French Ministry of Health is concerned about the emergence of a new generation of smokers. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether "puffs" were a problem in Luxembourg and whether it would be useful to inform the population about the...
How are shooting ranges regulated in Luxembourg?
Who is allowed to take part in shooting range courses in Luxembourg? What kind of courses are offered to businesses as well as to individuals? What background checks and other checks are done? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have inquired with the Ministry in charge.
What is the participation rate in the early detection programme "Bilan 30"?
The audiophonological service provides early detection of language deficits in children aged 30 months. DP MPs Max Hahn, Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health questions about participation and current problems in making appointments.
When does the CGDIS - Psychological Support Group intervene?
As part of the CGDIS, the Psychological Support Group steps in when there are accidents, disasters or other incidents. Where have the volunteer teams been deployed recently, how many volunteers are currently committed in the teams and has the Covid crisis aggravated the situation for the teams over the past years? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the responsible ministry for clarifications....
Launch of the Citizens' Climate Council: Together for better climate protection
In order to get people more involved in climate policy discussions, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the creation of a Citizens' Climate Council in October - he recently presented the details. In his ‘Tribune libre’, the Secretary General of the DP, Claude Lamberty, addresses this unique project in Luxembourg, and emphasizes the importance of an ambitious climate policy, which is also supported...
Minister's reaction to the call for the Covid demonstration in front of Robert Schuman hospital next week?
Deputies Claude LAMBERTY and Carole HARTMANN want to know how the responsible minister responds to the call to demonstrate in front of the Robert-Schuman hospital next week, especially in view of the development of demonstrations in recent weeks.
Why were several pregnant women denied the booster vaccination ?
Despite being invited for a booster vaccination, several pregnant women were refused the vaccination at the vaccination centre. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the Minister of Health why this is the case and what is being done to enable these women to access their booster vaccination.
How much vandalism is there in Luxembourg, and what is the cost for repairs?
Intentional damage often results in unnecessary costs, and money needs to be used which could also have been used for positive purposes. In Luxembourg, too, we are not free from vandalism - but where does it occur most, and what costs does it entail? Our MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty inquired at the Ministry.
What about the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination?
Some countries restrict the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination for entry into their country. For people who were vaccinated at the beginning of the year, the validity of the vaccination will therefore expire soon. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether Luxembourg also plans to introduce such a validity limit and what can be done at EU level.
FutureLab - Interview with Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty
With the Rentrée, the DP launches an important internal innovation - the FutureLab. Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty were asked what this promising concept is all about.
Are municipalities allowed to withhold letters from the municipality council?
Citizens, clubs or associations often send invitations, concerns or information requests to the Aldermen and the local council of their community. They usually use the official e-mail or postal address of the municipality. DP MPs Guy Arendt and Claude Lamberty have now learned that some letters never reached the members of the municipality council, even though they were considered the recipients of...
Mandatory defibrillators in public buildings?
Defibrillators and first aid kits can save lives, as the recent case of Danish footballer Christian Eriksen has shown once again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann, Claude Lamberty, and Max Hahn wanted to know from the respective Ministries what is the plan to install more defibrillators in public areas.
Combination of different vaccines against Covid-19
A recent study by the University of Saarland indicates that a combination of vaccines from AstraZeneca and Biontech/Pfizer leads to a higher immunisation. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether such a combination, once the results are confirmed, will also be considered in Luxembourg?
What's the pandemic's impact on youth criminality?
Youth criminality took a new dimension since the beginning of this year. There have been more cases with serious consequences nationwide. In particular, these terrible cases led to nationwide discussions and a very high media coverage. In this context, our MPs André Bauler and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible minister, among other things, if juvenile delinquency had changed with the pandemic.
Tularemia also in Luxembourg ?
In Germany, tularemia is still spreading. This infectious disease can also be transmitted to humans. Are there any cases of sick animals in Luxembourg at the moment? Where are the risks and for whom? Are hunters and farmers informed about the situation? What measures are in place to prevent a spread in the Grand Duchy? Deputies Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn have asked the ministry about the matter.
DP national congress: taking responsibility in times of crisis
For the second time since the start of the Corona Pandemic, the Democratic Party launched its national congress in digital form on Monday, April 26th. This year again, it was a great success: more than 600 members attended and participated in the congress.
For the country and its people, during and after the Corona Crisis
In the Tribune Libre on radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty spoke about the light at the end of the Corona Tunnel and the political future of the country after the crisis.
What is the situation of sexually transmitted diseases in Luxembourg?
Sexually transmitted diseases are still a real threat to our health. Antibiotic resistance is also contributing to certain diseases becoming more dangerous again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the ministers responsible how many cases of sexually transmitted diseases there are in Luxembourg and what measures are being taken to curb their spread.
How can we protect young people in particular from hate speech on the Internet?
The phenomenon of 'hate speech' is becoming more and more widespread in society. Not only, but especially children and young people are exposed to these comments with all their consequences. How has this problem evolved over the years, what can be done to counteract it, and how can young people in particular protect themselves from, and take action against hate speech online? MPs Carole Hartmann and...
Giving the youth perspectives during the pandemic
Especially now, during the pandemic, young people need perspectives to deal with the psychological strain. In an extended question, DP MP Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Education what the effects of the crisis are on the mental health of young people, and what is being done about youth violence prevention.
Road safety during prisoner transport
The safety of detainees during transport is not guaranteed in Luxembourg, because they do not wear seat belts, criticizes the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) in a 2015 report. The Luxembourgish association "Eran, eraus… an elo?" meanwhile, criticizes the government for still not respecting international standards in this area....
Vaccination of certain professional categories as a priority?
At the beginning of February, the Minister of Health unveiled the details of the second phase of the vaccination campaign in Luxembourg. In their parliamentary question, the deputies Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked whether it would not be appropriate to also give people from other socio-professional categories the benefit of a vaccination priority.
Integration of the train timetables in municipal apps?
Recently, many municipalities across the country have launched a mobile application that allows you to consult the public transport timetables in the respective municipalities, as well as the waste and events calendar. In their parliamentary question, the deputies Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible minister why train timetables cannot be integrated currently into these applications.
Free schoolbooks: How much does a household save per child?
For two years now, the state has been covering the costs of textbooks for secondary school students. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Max Hahn asked the Minister of Education how much the financial relief for the households was.
What financial aid for the sports sector?
Despite the new sanitary measures introduced at the end of October, no part-time unemployment benefit can be requested in the sports sector. In this context, DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Sports whether other financial aid is foreseen for the sports sector.
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