Fully dedicated to Mamer!

The DP Mamer held its general assembly and presented its list of candidates for the municipal elections of June 11th.

The DP Mamer met on Monday evening, January 9th in the festival hall of the Kinneksbond basic school in Mamer.

On the agenda was first the ordinary general assembly. President and local councillor Sven Bindels welcomed the many members and guests, including Corinne Cahen, Minister for Family, Integration and the Greater Region, MPs Gusty Graas, Max Hahn and Pim Knaff, as well as Daliah Scholl, President of the DP South constituency, before handing over to secretary Jessica Klopp for the annual activity report.

Photo: DP Mamer

Some highlights such as the May 1st party in front of the Castle of Mamer or the presence of the DP Mamer at the Christmas Market were also taken up by the treasurer Dany Magar during the presentation of the accounts. At the start of the election year 2023, the financial situation of the Mamer DP is excellent.

Photo: DP Mamer

Dany Magar was therefore granted discharge for his exemplary management of the treasury.

Photo: DP Mamer

The Committee of the DP Mamer also welcomes new members: the General Assembly approved the candidacies of René Friederici, Marie Kirch, Lionel Descharrières and Claude Karger.

After Sven Bindels’ report on the work in the local council, Daliah Scholl and Gusty Graas wished the DP Mamer all the best for the local elections on 11 June.

Photo: DP Mamer

The list of candidates with a lot of competence, experience and commitment would in any case bode well for this election.

After the discharge of the Committee, Sven Bindels presented his running mates. Here is the list in alphabetical order:

BINDELS Sven – 43 – Mamer – civil servant at Post

BISSEN Jean – 67 – Capellen – retired computer specialist

BRANDENBURGER Gilbert – 66 – Holzem – retired municipal employee

COIMBRA Tun – 49 – Mamer – sales representative

DESCHARRIERES Lionel – 49 – Mamer – member of the management of an airline and pilot

DI FABIO Graziella – 51 – Mamer – receptionist at the Mamer retirement home

FRIEDERICI René – 71 – Mamer – head of personnel, Paul Wurth group, retired

HENGEN Jeff – 44 – Mamer – professional fireman

KARGER Claude – 50 – Capellen – state employee

KIRCH Marie – 42 – Mamer – architect

KLOPP Jessica – 35 – Mamer – primary school teacher

MAGAR Daniel – 47 – Mamer – industrial engineer

TROPEANO Luca – 37 – Mamer – Carsharing coordinator

WATRY Marc – 44 – Capellen – bus driver

ZANGERLE épouse KLOPP Sylvie – 63 – Mamer – retired saleswoman

1st row (left to right): Jessica Klopp, Sven Bindels, Graziella Di Fabio, Marie Kirch, Claude Karger. 2nd row: Sylvie Zangerlé ép Klopp, Gilbert Brandenburger, Tun Coimbra. 3rd row: René Friederici, Luca Tropeano, Marc Watry, Daniel Magar. 4th row: Jeff Hengen, Lionel Descharrières, Jean Bissen. Photo: DP Mamer

The evening ended in a relaxed atmosphere around the traditional New Year’s drink offered by the DP Mamer.

Numerous were the friends of DP Mamer who followed the invitation Photo: DP Mamer

