A great May Day with the DP!

It was a great party: the DP Gemeng Mamer’s traditional It was a great party: the DP Gemeng Mamer’s traditional May Day barbecue near Mamer Castle attracted a huge number of people from Mamer and far beyond. In glorious weather, guests enjoyed a delicious meal and drinks, took part in a tombola and listened to some great music. For the children, a bouncy castle was set up – a huge success.

National and local politicians of all colours were well represented, as always: in addition to Mayor Luc Feller and Alderman Ed Buchette, many members of the local council were present. Ministers Yuriko Backes (Defence, Mobility, Public Works, Equal Opportunities and Diversity), Stéphanie Obertin (Digitalisation, Research and Higher Education), Gilles Roth (Finance), Claude Meisch (Education, Children and Youth) and Max Hahn (Minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees ) found their way to the party, as did Democratic Party candidates for the European elections Amela Skenderovic, Jana Degrott, Nancy Braun, Charles Goerens, Gusty Graas and Christos Floros.

DP Gemeng Mamer would like to thank all the guests for coming to this great party. Thanks also to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success! A special thank you to the local authority staff, who were always on hand to help.

