Have organ transplants gone down due to the pandemic?

Due to the Covid crisis, many other medical procedures and treatments had to be cancelled or postponed. This also applies to organ transplants, especially kidney transplants. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health, among other things, how many kidney transplants had to be cancelled during the pandemic, how many patients are waiting for a kidney in this country and what conditions have to be met to be put on the waiting list.

« Les transplantations d’organes sauvent des vies. En France, la presse s’est récemment fait l’écho de la déprogrammation des transplantations d’organes en raison de la surcharge des services de réanimations due à la crise du Covid-19. En effet, les greffes d’organes ont baissé en France de 25% par rapport à l’année précédente. Avec une baisse 29%, cette chute du nombre d’opérations a particulièrement touché les patients en attente d’un rein.

À ce sujet, j’aimerai poser les questions suivantes à Madame la Ministre de la Santé :

  • D’une manière générale, Madame la Ministre, dispose-t-elle des chiffres de patients en attente d’un greffon au Luxembourg?
  • Combien de transplantations rénales ont été déprogrammées en raison de la pandémie du Covid-19?
  • Combien de personnes sont inscrites sur la liste d’attente pour une greffe de rein?
  • Quelles sont les conditions à remplir pour pouvoir recevoir une greffe de reins? Est-il vrai qu’un patient n’a pas droit à une transplantation rénale tant qu’un de ses reins est encore fonctionnel à 80 % ? Dans l’affirmative, quelle en est la raison?
  • Combien de greffes de rein sont réalisées chaque année au Luxembourg? Combien de greffons proviennent d’une personne vivante ? »

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More parliamentary questions

A public institution for blood donations?

DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Gérard Schockmel have put questions to the Minister of Health about the announced public institution for blood donations.
The Liberal MPs asked, among other things, whether it would not make more sense to pay all the Red Cross’ fees for the blood donation service instead of setting up a public institution?
And what will happen to the blood donation room planned for the new Red Cross headquarters in Howald if the Red Cross no longer takes over the blood donation service?


Is the state’s financial contribution to blood donation too low?

The Red Cross is once again making a deficit in the organisation of blood donations this year. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health whether the state should not increase its financial contribution, whether Luxembourg always has sufficient blood reserves and whether the Red Cross should continue to organise blood donations in the country on its own.


How high is the absenteeism rate here in Luxembourg?

The absenteeism rate is rising in many European countries. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers how absenteeism has developed in Luxembourg over the last 10 years, what the explanations for absenteeism are and what is currently being done about it.


Too much mercury in tinned tuna?

Tinned tuna throughout Europe appears to be contaminated with too much mercury. DP MP Gusty Graas has asked the responsible ministers whether tinned fish in Luxembourg is also affected and whether the maximum levels for mercury in tuna should be lowered at EU level.