Gusty Graas

Gusty Graas

South, Member of Parliament, Alderman

Gusty Graas was first voted into parliament in 1999. The former secretary of the DP parliamentary group has been a member of parliament since 2013.

Gusty Graas in an alderman in Bettembourg.

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Standing united against Russia
In his "Tribune libre" on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin's regime.

Espresso – Foreign policy declaration

In the latest ‚Espresso‘, Gusty Graas reports about his experiences as an election observer of the OSCE in the United States, more specifically in Maryland and Washington D.C. He raises the new transatlantic situation during the foreign police debate of Minister Jean Asselborn, talks about known and lesser-known conflict zones like Nagorno-Karabakh or the Middle East.

Espresso – Foreign policy declaration

Rescue helicopter at the North Hospital
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Interior questions about the rescue helicopters that have been frequently deployed at the North Hospital in recent years. Among other things, they wanted to...