Eric Eifes

51 years, economics professor, Contern
Eric Eifes, 51 years old, works as an economics professor at the Athénée de Luxembourg.
I am married and have two children. I am a municipal councilor and I am involved in several associations. The topics that are particularly important to us are family and education, mobility, finances, as well as digital, secure, and urban communities.
I am married and have two children.
49 years ago, I moved to Contern and grew up here. After primary school in Contern and high school in the city, I studied at the Hautes Études Commerciales in Brussels, specializing in accounting and auditing. Professionally, I chose to become a teacher because I enjoy teaching and preparing the younger generations.
I have been a member of the Contern Municipal Council for almost 25 years and have gained valuable experience in understanding how a municipality, its commissions, and various syndicates function. I am ready to take on greater responsibilities.
In my free time, I am active in several community associations and involved in a national youth movement.
It is important to me that the municipality of Contern, along with all its villages, becomes a modern and livable community where every citizen feels comfortable. Specifically, I see a need for action in the areas of mobility, digitalization, education, climate change, family, and finances, and I want to contribute in these areas.
Eric Eifes