Gilles Baum

“Cheers” to our excellent wine and crémants

Gilles Baum recently requested a debate on viticulture in the Chamber of Deputies. In his eyes, viticulture is not only an important economic sector of our country, but also an essential part of our national heritage. The DP therefore insists on a regular discussion of the topic in Parliament.

In this context, Gilles Baum wished that the representatives of the Luxemburgish wine  industry (private winegrowers, Vinsmoselle and wine merchants) would meet more often with the corresponding committee to inform the deputies about the latest trends in the sector.

During his speech, the DP group leader addressed several issues that are essential for the future of viticulture: the impact of climate change and of the pandemic, the marketing strategy for Luxembourgish wines, political support for the wine industry and organic viticulture.

In this context, Gilles Baum made several requests to the Minister of Viticulture: removing administrative hurdles, harmonizing the approval of plant protection products, a fair pension system, a clear legal framework for wine bars, simpler procedures for the registration of seasonal workers, and the possibility of building in green zones to allow the winegrowers to work more efficiently.

Gilles Baum also urged for the new agricultural law to include an adequate per-hectare premium for wineries and adjusted subsidies for tractors and Aussiedlerhöfe.

The DP supports these demands to ensure that our winegrowers can continue with producing high quality wines and crémants.

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