Installation of additional charging facilities for electric and hybrid vehicles
- Installation of 9 stations over the course of this year in various districts of Bertrange
- The SWIO system is compatible with other existing systems
- Charging station locations:
Rue Dicks, rue des Platanes (Rilspert), Parking An Oppert, Cité am Wénkel, Parking Cité Millewee, rue des Celtes (Pourpelt), rue du Sellier (Eechels), rue de Luxembourg (Lentze Park) and rue de la Forêt
Sustainable development charter
- This charter has been drawn up together with the local associations and includes a number of objectives, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing energy and water consumption and reducing waste production.
- A municipal subsidy of €250 to obtain “Mir engagéieren eis” certification and €500 for “Green Event” certification
- 24 local associations have signed up to this charter
Joint motion – development of the tram network
- An all-party motion was passed by the local council. This motion stresses the importance of incorporating the future (triangle) district of Helfent into the development and realisation of the Boulevard de Merl.
- The municipality of Bertrange declares its solidarity with the municipality of Strassen regarding the extension of the tramway line in the direction of Mamer.
- The full motion is available at
Other items from Local Council meetings
- Decision in principle in favour of twinning with the municipality of Serfaus (Austria)
- Introduction of the participatory budget, which gives residents the opportunity to put forward various citizen projects and vote for those they prefer. This approach is part of the drive to promote citizen participation and motivate residents to improve their living environment. The platform is currently being set up, with a budget of €100,000 earmarked for the implementation of the winning projects.