Xavier Bettel

A digital strategy in the service of the citizens

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Minister Delegate Marc Hansen, the Ministry for Digitalisation has developed an ambitious strategy for the implementation of the principles of a Digital Government.

In the future, all exchanges between the state and third parties should take place online. Business creators in particular could benefit from this administrative simplification – a point raised by the DP in its last electoral program.

“Much of the work done by the Ministry for Digitalisation aims at making people’s lives easier.” (Xavier Bettel)

The ministry is currently working on expanding new online procedures to improve E-Government services. In addition to the development of new functionalities on MyGuichet.lu, a digital portal for participation procedures was recently launched – enquetes-publiques.lu (public enquiries).

Particularly commendable is the ministry’s participatory open innovation approach, which enables citizens to actively participate in the digital transformation process. As part of the new GovTech Lab, events, challenges and hackathons will be held regularly in the future to develop solutions that meet the needs of citizens.

Luxembourg as leader of new technologies.

Big Data, Blockchain, Internet of Things, etc. promise interesting methods to improve public services. However, first of all, an appropriate legal framework must be created, which also guarantees data protection. A new draft law on the reuse of public data from the public sector and a new European directive on digital communications are in preparation.

However, the best techniques are useless if you cannot use them. Therefore, together with the Ministry of Education, much emphasis is placed on digital education and training. Besides cognitive skills, Internet access is one of the main criteria for digital inclusion. As a result, the government is investing heavily in a fast mobile internet with 5G technologies across the whole country.



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DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Mandy Minella have asked the relevant ministers whether paid dispensation from work or an equivalent mechanism will be introduced for pregnant self-employed workers.


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